262 lines
7.8 KiB
262 lines
7.8 KiB
"use strict";
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.decode = decode;
var decoder = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./decoder"));
var t = _interopRequireWildcard(require("@webassemblyjs/ast"));
function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cacheBabelInterop = new WeakMap(); var cacheNodeInterop = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) { return nodeInterop ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop; })(nodeInterop); }
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj, nodeInterop) { if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || _typeof(obj) !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { "default": obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (key !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj["default"] = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; }
* TODO(sven): I added initial props, but we should rather fix
* https://github.com/xtuc/webassemblyjs/issues/405
var defaultDecoderOpts = {
dump: false,
ignoreCodeSection: false,
ignoreDataSection: false,
ignoreCustomNameSection: false
}; // traverses the AST, locating function name metadata, which is then
// used to update index-based identifiers with function names
function restoreFunctionNames(ast) {
var functionNames = [];
t.traverse(ast, {
FunctionNameMetadata: function FunctionNameMetadata(_ref) {
var node = _ref.node;
name: node.value,
index: node.index
if (functionNames.length === 0) {
t.traverse(ast, {
Func: function (_Func) {
function Func(_x) {
return _Func.apply(this, arguments);
Func.toString = function () {
return _Func.toString();
return Func;
}(function (_ref2) {
var node = _ref2.node;
// $FlowIgnore
var nodeName = node.name;
var indexBasedFunctionName = nodeName.value;
var index = Number(indexBasedFunctionName.replace("func_", ""));
var functionName = functionNames.find(function (f) {
return f.index === index;
if (functionName) {
var oldValue = nodeName.value;
nodeName.value = functionName.name; // $FlowIgnore
nodeName.numeric = oldValue; // $FlowIgnore
delete nodeName.raw;
// Also update the reference in the export
ModuleExport: function (_ModuleExport) {
function ModuleExport(_x2) {
return _ModuleExport.apply(this, arguments);
ModuleExport.toString = function () {
return _ModuleExport.toString();
return ModuleExport;
}(function (_ref3) {
var node = _ref3.node;
if (node.descr.exportType === "Func") {
// $FlowIgnore
var nodeName = node.descr.id;
var index = nodeName.value;
var functionName = functionNames.find(function (f) {
return f.index === index;
if (functionName) {
node.descr.id = t.identifier(functionName.name);
ModuleImport: function (_ModuleImport) {
function ModuleImport(_x3) {
return _ModuleImport.apply(this, arguments);
ModuleImport.toString = function () {
return _ModuleImport.toString();
return ModuleImport;
}(function (_ref4) {
var node = _ref4.node;
if (node.descr.type === "FuncImportDescr") {
// $FlowIgnore
var indexBasedFunctionName = node.descr.id;
var index = Number(indexBasedFunctionName.replace("func_", ""));
var functionName = functionNames.find(function (f) {
return f.index === index;
if (functionName) {
// $FlowIgnore
node.descr.id = t.identifier(functionName.name);
CallInstruction: function (_CallInstruction) {
function CallInstruction(_x4) {
return _CallInstruction.apply(this, arguments);
CallInstruction.toString = function () {
return _CallInstruction.toString();
return CallInstruction;
}(function (nodePath) {
var node = nodePath.node;
var index = node.index.value;
var functionName = functionNames.find(function (f) {
return f.index === index;
if (functionName) {
var oldValue = node.index;
node.index = t.identifier(functionName.name);
node.numeric = oldValue; // $FlowIgnore
delete node.raw;
function restoreLocalNames(ast) {
var localNames = [];
t.traverse(ast, {
LocalNameMetadata: function LocalNameMetadata(_ref5) {
var node = _ref5.node;
name: node.value,
localIndex: node.localIndex,
functionIndex: node.functionIndex
if (localNames.length === 0) {
t.traverse(ast, {
Func: function (_Func2) {
function Func(_x5) {
return _Func2.apply(this, arguments);
Func.toString = function () {
return _Func2.toString();
return Func;
}(function (_ref6) {
var node = _ref6.node;
var signature = node.signature;
if (signature.type !== "Signature") {
} // $FlowIgnore
var nodeName = node.name;
var indexBasedFunctionName = nodeName.value;
var functionIndex = Number(indexBasedFunctionName.replace("func_", ""));
signature.params.forEach(function (param, paramIndex) {
var paramName = localNames.find(function (f) {
return f.localIndex === paramIndex && f.functionIndex === functionIndex;
if (paramName && paramName.name !== "") {
param.id = paramName.name;
function restoreModuleName(ast) {
t.traverse(ast, {
ModuleNameMetadata: function (_ModuleNameMetadata) {
function ModuleNameMetadata(_x6) {
return _ModuleNameMetadata.apply(this, arguments);
ModuleNameMetadata.toString = function () {
return _ModuleNameMetadata.toString();
return ModuleNameMetadata;
}(function (moduleNameMetadataPath) {
// update module
t.traverse(ast, {
Module: function (_Module) {
function Module(_x7) {
return _Module.apply(this, arguments);
Module.toString = function () {
return _Module.toString();
return Module;
}(function (_ref7) {
var node = _ref7.node;
var name = moduleNameMetadataPath.node.value; // compatiblity with wast-parser
if (name === "") {
name = null;
node.id = name;
function decode(buf, customOpts) {
var opts = Object.assign({}, defaultDecoderOpts, customOpts);
var ast = decoder.decode(buf, opts);
if (opts.ignoreCustomNameSection === false) {
return ast;
} |