202 lines
5.6 KiB
202 lines
5.6 KiB
const {
} = require('./matchers')
* creates a string of asterisks,
* this forces a minimum asterisk for security purposes
const asterisk = (length = 0) => {
length = typeof length === 'string' ? length.length : length
if (length < 8) {
return '*'.repeat(8)
return '*'.repeat(length)
* escapes all special regex chars
* @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/9310752
* @see https://github.com/tc39/proposal-regex-escaping
const escapeRegExp = (text) => {
return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, `\\$&`)
* provieds a regex "or" of the url versions of a string
const urlEncodeRegexGroup = (value) => {
const decoded = decodeURIComponent(value)
const encoded = encodeURIComponent(value)
const union = [...new Set([encoded, decoded, value])].map(escapeRegExp).join('|')
return union
* a tagged template literal that returns a regex ensures all variables are excaped
const urlEncodeRegexTag = (strings, ...values) => {
let pattern = ''
for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
pattern += strings[i] + `(${urlEncodeRegexGroup(values[i])})`
pattern += strings[strings.length - 1]
return new RegExp(pattern)
* creates a matcher for redacting url hostname
const redactUrlHostnameMatcher = ({ hostname, replacement } = {}) => ({
type: TYPE_URL,
predicate: ({ url }) => url.hostname === hostname,
pattern: ({ url }) => {
return urlEncodeRegexTag`(^${url.protocol}//${url.username}:.+@)?${url.hostname}`
replacement: `$1${replacement || asterisk()}`,
* creates a matcher for redacting url search / query parameter values
const redactUrlSearchParamsMatcher = ({ param, replacement } = {}) => ({
type: TYPE_URL,
predicate: ({ url }) => url.searchParams.has(param),
pattern: ({ url }) => urlEncodeRegexTag`(${param}=)${url.searchParams.get(param)}`,
replacement: `$1${replacement || asterisk()}`,
/** creates a matcher for redacting the url password */
const redactUrlPasswordMatcher = ({ replacement } = {}) => ({
type: TYPE_URL,
predicate: ({ url }) => url.password,
pattern: ({ url }) => urlEncodeRegexTag`(^${url.protocol}//${url.username}:)${url.password}`,
replacement: `$1${replacement || asterisk()}`,
const redactUrlReplacement = (...matchers) => (subValue) => {
try {
const url = new URL(subValue)
return redactMatchers(...matchers)(subValue, { url })
} catch (err) {
return subValue
* creates a matcher / submatcher for urls, this function allows you to first
* collect all urls within a larger string and then pass those urls to a
* submatcher
* @example
* console.log("this will first match all urls, then pass those urls to the password patcher")
* redactMatchers(redactUrlMatcher(redactUrlPasswordMatcher()))
* @example
* console.log(
* "this will assume you are passing in a string that is a url, and will redact the password"
* )
* redactMatchers(redactUrlPasswordMatcher())
const redactUrlMatcher = (...matchers) => {
return {
replacement: redactUrlReplacement(...matchers),
const matcherFunctions = {
[TYPE_REGEX]: (matcher) => (value) => {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
value = value.replace(matcher.pattern, matcher.replacement)
return value
[TYPE_URL]: (matcher) => (value, ctx) => {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
try {
const url = ctx?.url || new URL(value)
const { predicate, pattern } = matcher
const predicateValue = predicate({ url })
if (predicateValue) {
value = value.replace(pattern({ url }), matcher.replacement)
} catch (_e) {
return value
return value
[TYPE_PATH]: (matcher) => (value, ctx) => {
const rawPath = ctx?.path
const path = rawPath.join('.').toLowerCase()
const { predicate, replacement } = matcher
const replace = typeof replacement === 'function' ? replacement : () => replacement
const shouldRun = predicate({ rawPath, path })
if (shouldRun) {
value = replace(value, { rawPath, path })
return value
/** converts a matcher to a function */
const redactMatcher = (matcher) => {
return matcherFunctions[matcher.type](matcher)
/** converts a series of matchers to a function */
const redactMatchers = (...matchers) => (value, ctx) => {
const flatMatchers = matchers.flat()
return flatMatchers.reduce((result, matcher) => {
const fn = (typeof matcher === 'function') ? matcher : redactMatcher(matcher)
return fn(result, ctx)
}, value)
* replacement handler, keeping $1 (if it exists) and replacing the
* rest of the string with asterisks, maintaining string length
const redactDynamicReplacement = () => (value, start) => {
if (typeof start === 'number') {
return asterisk(value)
return start + asterisk(value.substring(start.length).length)
* replacement handler, keeping $1 (if it exists) and replacing the
* rest of the string with a fixed number of asterisks
const redactFixedReplacement = (length) => (_value, start) => {
if (typeof start === 'number') {
return asterisk(length)
return start + asterisk(length)
const redactUrlPassword = (value, replacement) => {
return redactMatchers(redactUrlPasswordMatcher({ replacement }))(value)
module.exports = {