108 lines
3.9 KiB
108 lines
3.9 KiB
import { createPrompt, useMemo, useState, useKeypress, usePrefix, isEnterKey, makeTheme, Separator, } from '@inquirer/core';
import colors from 'yoctocolors-cjs';
function normalizeChoices(choices) {
return choices.map((choice) => {
if (Separator.isSeparator(choice)) {
return choice;
const name = 'name' in choice ? choice.name : String(choice.value);
const value = 'value' in choice ? choice.value : name;
return {
value: value,
key: choice.key.toLowerCase(),
const helpChoice = {
key: 'h',
name: 'Help, list all options',
value: undefined,
export default createPrompt((config, done) => {
const { default: defaultKey = 'h' } = config;
const choices = useMemo(() => normalizeChoices(config.choices), [config.choices]);
const [status, setStatus] = useState('pending');
const [value, setValue] = useState('');
const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(config.expanded ?? false);
const [errorMsg, setError] = useState();
const theme = makeTheme(config.theme);
const prefix = usePrefix({ theme });
useKeypress((event, rl) => {
if (isEnterKey(event)) {
const answer = (value || defaultKey).toLowerCase();
if (answer === 'h' && !expanded) {
else {
const selectedChoice = choices.find((choice) => !Separator.isSeparator(choice) && choice.key === answer);
if (selectedChoice) {
// Set the value as we might've selected the default one.
else if (value === '') {
setError('Please input a value');
else {
setError(`"${colors.red(value)}" isn't an available option`);
else {
const message = theme.style.message(config.message);
if (status === 'done') {
// If the prompt is done, it's safe to assume there is a selected value.
const selectedChoice = choices.find((choice) => !Separator.isSeparator(choice) && choice.key === value.toLowerCase());
return `${prefix} ${message} ${theme.style.answer(selectedChoice.name)}`;
const allChoices = expanded ? choices : [...choices, helpChoice];
// Collapsed display style
let longChoices = '';
let shortChoices = allChoices
.map((choice) => {
if (Separator.isSeparator(choice))
return '';
if (choice.key === defaultKey) {
return choice.key.toUpperCase();
return choice.key;
shortChoices = ` ${theme.style.defaultAnswer(shortChoices)}`;
// Expanded display style
if (expanded) {
shortChoices = '';
longChoices = allChoices
.map((choice) => {
if (Separator.isSeparator(choice)) {
return ` ${choice.separator}`;
const line = ` ${choice.key}) ${choice.name}`;
if (choice.key === value.toLowerCase()) {
return theme.style.highlight(line);
return line;
let helpTip = '';
const currentOption = choices.find((choice) => !Separator.isSeparator(choice) && choice.key === value.toLowerCase());
if (currentOption) {
helpTip = `${colors.cyan('>>')} ${currentOption.name}`;
let error = '';
if (errorMsg) {
error = theme.style.error(errorMsg);
return [
`${prefix} ${message}${shortChoices} ${value}`,
[longChoices, helpTip, error].filter(Boolean).join('\n'),
export { Separator } from '@inquirer/core';