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import { Subscriber } from 'rxjs';
import firebase from 'firebase/compat/app';
export declare type Settings = firebase.firestore.Settings;
export declare type CollectionReference<T = DocumentData> = firebase.firestore.CollectionReference<T>;
export declare type DocumentReference<T = DocumentData> = firebase.firestore.DocumentReference<T>;
export declare type PersistenceSettings = firebase.firestore.PersistenceSettings;
export declare type DocumentChangeType = firebase.firestore.DocumentChangeType;
export declare type SnapshotOptions = firebase.firestore.SnapshotOptions;
export declare type FieldPath = firebase.firestore.FieldPath;
export declare type Query<T = DocumentData> = firebase.firestore.Query<T>;
export declare type SetOptions = firebase.firestore.SetOptions;
export declare type DocumentData = firebase.firestore.DocumentData;
export interface DocumentSnapshotExists<T> extends firebase.firestore.DocumentSnapshot {
readonly exists: true;
data(options?: SnapshotOptions): T;
export interface DocumentSnapshotDoesNotExist extends firebase.firestore.DocumentSnapshot {
readonly exists: false;
data(options?: SnapshotOptions): undefined;
get(fieldPath: string | FieldPath, options?: SnapshotOptions): undefined;
export declare type DocumentSnapshot<T> = DocumentSnapshotExists<T> | DocumentSnapshotDoesNotExist;
export interface QueryDocumentSnapshot<T> extends firebase.firestore.QueryDocumentSnapshot {
data(options?: SnapshotOptions): T;
export interface QuerySnapshot<T> extends firebase.firestore.QuerySnapshot {
readonly docs: QueryDocumentSnapshot<T>[];
export interface DocumentChange<T> extends firebase.firestore.DocumentChange {
readonly doc: QueryDocumentSnapshot<T>;
export interface DocumentChangeAction<T> {
type: DocumentChangeType;
payload: DocumentChange<T>;
export interface Action<T> {
type: string;
payload: T;
export interface Reference<T> {
onSnapshot: (options: firebase.firestore.SnapshotListenOptions, sub: Subscriber<any>) => any;
export declare type QueryFn<T = DocumentData> = (ref: CollectionReference<T>) => Query<T>;
export declare type QueryGroupFn<T = DocumentData> = (query: Query<T>) => Query<T>;
* A structure that provides an association between a reference
* and a query on that reference. Note: Performing operations
* on the reference can lead to confusing results with complicated
* queries.
* Example:
* const query = ref.where('type', '==', 'Book').
* .where('price', '>' 18.00)
* .where('price', '<' 100.00)
* .where('category', '==', 'Fiction')
* .where('publisher', '==', 'BigPublisher')
* // This addition would not be a result of the query above
* ref.add({
* type: 'Magazine',
* price: 4.99,
* category: 'Sports',
* publisher: 'SportsPublisher'
* });
export interface AssociatedReference<T = DocumentData> {
ref: CollectionReference<T>;
query: Query<T>;