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{"version":3,"file":"rxjs-interop.mjs","sources":["../../../../../../packages/core/rxjs-interop/src/take_until_destroyed.ts","../../../../../../packages/core/rxjs-interop/src/output_from_observable.ts","../../../../../../packages/core/rxjs-interop/src/output_to_observable.ts","../../../../../../packages/core/rxjs-interop/src/to_observable.ts","../../../../../../packages/core/rxjs-interop/src/to_signal.ts","../../../../../../packages/core/rxjs-interop/rxjs-interop.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.dev/license\n */\n\nimport {assertInInjectionContext, DestroyRef, inject} from '@angular/core';\nimport {MonoTypeOperatorFunction, Observable} from 'rxjs';\nimport {takeUntil} from 'rxjs/operators';\n\n/**\n * Operator which completes the Observable when the calling context (component, directive, service,\n * etc) is destroyed.\n *\n * @param destroyRef optionally, the `DestroyRef` representing the current context. This can be\n * passed explicitly to use `takeUntilDestroyed` outside of an [injection\n * context](guide/di/dependency-injection-context). Otherwise, the current `DestroyRef` is injected.\n *\n * @developerPreview\n */\nexport function takeUntilDestroyed<T>(destroyRef?: DestroyRef): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<T> {\n if (!destroyRef) {\n assertInInjectionContext(takeUntilDestroyed);\n destroyRef = inject(DestroyRef);\n }\n\n const destroyed$ = new Observable<void>((observer) => {\n const unregisterFn = destroyRef!.onDestroy(observer.next.bind(observer));\n return unregisterFn;\n });\n\n return <T>(source: Observable<T>) => {\n return source.pipe(takeUntil(destroyed$));\n };\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.dev/license\n */\n\nimport {\n assertInInjectionContext,\n DestroyRef,\n inject,\n OutputOptions,\n OutputRef,\n OutputRefSubscription,\n ɵRuntimeError,\n ɵRuntimeErrorCode,\n} from '@angular/core';\nimport {Observable} from 'rxjs';\n\nimport {takeUntilDestroyed} from './take_until_destroyed';\n\n/**\n * Implementation of `OutputRef` that emits values from\n * an RxJS observable source.\n *\n * @internal\n */\nclass OutputFromObservableRef<T> implements OutputRef<T> {\n private destroyed = false;\n\n destroyRef = inject(DestroyRef);\n\n constructor(private source: Observable<T>) {\n this.destroyRef.onDestroy(() => {\n this.destroyed = true;\n });\n }\n\n subscribe(callbackFn: (value: T) => void): OutputRefSubscription {\n if (this.destroyed) {\n throw new ɵRuntimeError(\n ɵRuntimeErrorCode.OUTPUT_REF_DESTROYED,\n ngDevMode &&\n 'Unexpected subscription to destroyed `OutputRef`. ' +\n 'The owning directive/component is destroyed.',\n );\n }\n\n // Stop yielding more values when the directive/component is already destroyed.\n const subscription = this.source.pipe(takeUntilDestroyed(this.destroyRef)).subscribe({\n next: (value) => callbackFn(value),\n });\n\n return {\n unsubscribe: () => subscription.unsubscribe(),\n };\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Declares an Angular output that is using an RxJS observable as a source\n * for events dispatched to parent subscribers.\n *\n * The behavior for an observable as source is defined as followed:\n * 1. New values are forwarded to the Angular output (next notifications).\n * 2. Errors notifications are not handled by Angular. You need to handle these manually.\n * For example by using `catchError`.\n * 3. Completion notifications stop the output from emitting new values.\n *\n * @usageNotes\n * Initialize an output in your directive by declaring a\n * class field and initializing it with the `outputFromObservable()` function.\n *\n * ```ts\n * @Directive({..})\n * export class MyDir {\n * nameChange$ = <some-observable>;\n * nameChange = outputFromObservable(this.nameChange$);\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * @developerPreview\n */\nexport function outputFromObservable<T>(\n observable: Observable<T>,\n opts?: OutputOptions,\n): OutputRef<T> {\n ngDevMode && assertInInjectionContext(outputFromObservable);\n return new OutputFromObservableRef<T>(observable);\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.dev/license\n */\n\nimport {OutputRef, ɵgetOutputDestroyRef} from '@angular/core';\nimport {Observable} from 'rxjs';\n\n/**\n * Converts an Angular output declared via `output()` or `outputFromObservable()`\n * to an observable.\n *\n * You can subscribe to the output via `Observable.subscribe` then.\n *\n * @developerPreview\n */\nexport function outputToObservable<T>(ref: OutputRef<T>): Observable<T> {\n const destroyRef = ɵgetOutputDestroyRef(ref);\n\n return new Observable<T>((observer) => {\n // Complete the observable upon directive/component destroy.\n // Note: May be `undefined` if an `EventEmitter` is declared outside\n // of an injection context.\n destroyRef?.onDestroy(() => observer.complete());\n\n const subscription = ref.subscribe((v) => observer.next(v));\n return () => subscription.unsubscribe();\n });\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.dev/license\n */\n\nimport {\n assertInInjectionContext,\n DestroyRef,\n effect,\n inject,\n Injector,\n Signal,\n untracked,\n} from '@angular/core';\nimport {Observable, ReplaySubject} from 'rxjs';\n\n/**\n * Options for `toObservable`.\n *\n * @developerPreview\n */\nexport interface ToObservableOptions {\n /**\n * The `Injector` to use when creating the underlying `effect` which watches the signal.\n *\n * If this isn't specified, the current [injection context](guide/di/dependency-injection-context)\n * will be used.\n */\n injector?: Injector;\n}\n\n/**\n * Exposes the value of an Angular `Signal` as an RxJS `Observable`.\n *\n * The signal's value will be propagated into the `Observable`'s subscribers using an `effect`.\n *\n * `toObservable` must be called in an injection context unless an injector is provided via options.\n *\n * @developerPreview\n */\nexport function toObservable<T>(source: Signal<T>, options?: ToObservableOptions): Observable<T> {\n !options?.injector && assertInInjectionContext(toObservable);\n const injector = options?.injector ?? inject(Injector);\n const subject = new ReplaySubject<T>(1);\n\n const watcher = effect(\n () => {\n let value: T;\n try {\n value = source();\n } catch (err) {\n untracked(() => subject.error(err));\n return;\n }\n untracked(() => subject.next(value));\n },\n {injector, manualCleanup: true},\n );\n\n injector.get(DestroyRef).onDestroy(() => {\n watcher.destroy();\n subject.complete();\n });\n\n return subject.asObservable();\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.dev/license\n */\n\nimport {\n assertInInjectionContext,\n assertNotInReactiveContext,\n computed,\n DestroyRef,\n inject,\n Injector,\n signal,\n Signal,\n WritableSignal,\n ɵRuntimeError,\n ɵRuntimeErrorCode,\n} from '@angular/core';\nimport {ValueEqualityFn} from '@angular/core/primitives/signals';\nimport {Observable, Subscribable} from 'rxjs';\n\n/**\n * Options for `toSignal`.\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\nexport interface ToSignalOptions<T> {\n /**\n * Initial value for the signal produced by `toSignal`.\n *\n * This will be the value of the signal until the observable emits its first value.\n */\n initialValue?: unknown;\n\n /**\n * Whether to require that the observable emits synchronously when `toSignal` subscribes.\n *\n * If this is `true`, `toSignal` will assert that the observable produces a value immediately upon\n * subscription. Setting this option removes the need to either deal with `undefined` in the\n * signal type or provide an `initialValue`, at the cost of a runtime error if this requirement is\n * not met.\n */\n requireSync?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * `Injector` which will provide the `DestroyRef` used to clean up the Observable subscription.\n *\n * If this is not provided, a `DestroyRef` will be retrieved from the current [injection\n * context](guide/di/dependency-injection-context), unless manual cleanup is requested.\n */\n injector?: Injector;\n\n /**\n * Whether the subscription should be automatically cleaned up (via `DestroyRef`) when\n * `toSignal`'s creation context is destroyed.\n *\n * If manual cleanup is enabled, then `DestroyRef` is not used, and the subscription will persist\n * until the `Observable` itself completes.\n */\n manualCleanup?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Whether `toSignal` should throw errors from the Observable error channel back to RxJS, where\n * they'll be processed as uncaught exceptions.\n *\n * In practice, this means that the signal returned by `toSignal` will keep returning the last\n * good value forever, as Observables which error produce no further values. This option emulates\n * the behavior of the `async` pipe.\n */\n rejectErrors?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * A comparison function which defines equality for values emitted by the observable.\n *\n * Equality comparisons are executed against the initial value if one is provided.\n */\n equal?: ValueEqualityFn<T>;\n}\n\n// Base case: no options -> `undefined` in the result type.\nexport function toSignal<T>(source: Observable<T> | Subscribable<T>): Signal<T | undefined>;\n// Options with `undefined` initial value and no `requiredSync` -> `undefined`.\nexport function toSignal<T>(\n source: Observable<T> | Subscribable<T>,\n options: NoInfer<ToSignalOptions<T | undefined>> & {\n initialValue?: undefined;\n requireSync?: false;\n },\n): Signal<T | undefined>;\n// Options with `null` initial value -> `null`.\nexport function toSignal<T>(\n source: Observable<T> | Subscribable<T>,\n options: NoInfer<ToSignalOptions<T | null>> & {initialValue?: null; requireSync?: false},\n): Signal<T | null>;\n// Options with `undefined` initial value and `requiredSync` -> strict result type.\nexport function toSignal<T>(\n source: Observable<T> | Subscribable<T>,\n options: NoInfer<ToSignalOptions<T>> & {initialValue?: undefined; requireSync: true},\n): Signal<T>;\n// Options with a more specific initial value type.\nexport function toSignal<T, const U extends T>(\n source: Observable<T> | Subscribable<T>,\n options: NoInfer<ToSignalOptions<T | U>> & {initialValue: U; requireSync?: false},\n): Signal<T | U>;\n\n/**\n * Get the current value of an `Observable` as a reactive `Signal`.\n *\n * `toSignal` returns a `Signal` which provides synchronous reactive access to values produced\n * by the given `Observable`, by subscribing to that `Observable`. The returned `Signal` will always\n * have the most recent value emitted by the subscription, and will throw an error if the\n * `Observable` errors.\n *\n * With `requireSync` set to `true`, `toSignal` will assert that the `Observable` produces a value\n * immediately upon subscription. No `initialValue` is needed in this case, and the returned signal\n * does not include an `undefined` type.\n *\n * By default, the subscription will be automatically cleaned up when the current [injection\n * context](guide/di/dependency-injection-context) is destroyed. For example, when `toSignal` is\n * called during the construction of a component, the subscription will be cleaned up when the\n * component is destroyed. If an injection context is not available, an explicit `Injector` can be\n * passed instead.\n *\n * If the subscription should persist until the `Observable` itself completes, the `manualCleanup`\n * option can be specified instead, which disables the automatic subscription teardown. No injection\n * context is needed in this configuration as well.\n *\n * @developerPreview\n */\nexport function toSignal<T, U = undefined>(\n source: Observable<T> | Subscribable<T>,\n options?: ToSignalOptions<T | U> & {initialValue?: U},\n): Signal<T | U> {\n ngDevMode &&\n assertNotInReactiveContext(\n toSignal,\n 'Invoking `toSignal` causes new subscriptions every time. ' +\n 'Consider moving `toSignal` outside of the reactive context and read the signal value where needed.',\n );\n\n const requiresCleanup = !options?.manualCleanup;\n requiresCleanup && !options?.injector && assertInInjectionContext(toSignal);\n const cleanupRef = requiresCleanup\n ? (options?.injector?.get(DestroyRef) ?? inject(DestroyRef))\n : null;\n\n const equal = makeToSignalEqual(options?.equal);\n\n // Note: T is the Observable value type, and U is the initial value type. They don't have to be\n // the same - the returned signal gives values of type `T`.\n let state: WritableSignal<State<T | U>>;\n if (options?.requireSync) {\n // Initially the signal is in a `NoValue` state.\n state = signal({kind: StateKind.NoValue}, {equal});\n } else {\n // If an initial value was passed, use it. Otherwise, use `undefined` as the initial value.\n state = signal<State<T | U>>(\n {kind: StateKind.Value, value: options?.initialValue as U},\n {equal},\n );\n }\n\n // Note: This code cannot run inside a reactive context (see assertion above). If we'd support\n // this, we would subscribe to the observable outside of the current reactive context, avoiding\n // that side-effect signal reads/writes are attribute to the current consumer. The current\n // consumer only needs to be notified when the `state` signal changes through the observable\n // subscription. Additional context (related to async pipe):\n // https://github.com/angular/angular/pull/50522.\n const sub = source.subscribe({\n next: (value) => state.set({kind: StateKind.Value, value}),\n error: (error) => {\n if (options?.rejectErrors) {\n // Kick the error back to RxJS. It will be caught and rethrown in a macrotask, which causes\n // the error to end up as an uncaught exception.\n throw error;\n }\n state.set({kind: StateKind.Error, error});\n },\n // Completion of the Observable is meaningless to the signal. Signals don't have a concept of\n // \"complete\".\n });\n\n if (options?.requireSync && state().kind === StateKind.NoValue) {\n throw new ɵRuntimeError(\n ɵRuntimeErrorCode.REQUIRE_SYNC_WITHOUT_SYNC_EMIT,\n (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) &&\n '`toSignal()` called with `requireSync` but `Observable` did not emit synchronously.',\n );\n }\n\n // Unsubscribe when the current context is destroyed, if requested.\n cleanupRef?.onDestroy(sub.unsubscribe.bind(sub));\n\n // The actual returned signal is a `computed` of the `State` signal, which maps the various states\n // to either values or errors.\n return computed(\n () => {\n const current = state();\n switch (current.kind) {\n case StateKind.Value:\n return current.value;\n case StateKind.Error:\n throw current.error;\n case StateKind.NoValue:\n // This shouldn't really happen because the error is thrown on creation.\n throw new ɵRuntimeError(\n ɵRuntimeErrorCode.REQUIRE_SYNC_WITHOUT_SYNC_EMIT,\n (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) &&\n '`toSignal()` called with `requireSync` but `Observable` did not emit synchronously.',\n );\n }\n },\n {equal: options?.equal},\n );\n}\n\nfunction makeToSignalEqual<T>(\n userEquality: ValueEqualityFn<T> = Object.is,\n): ValueEqualityFn<State<T>> {\n return (a, b) =>\n a.kind === StateKind.Value && b.kind === StateKind.Value && userEquality(a.value, b.value);\n}\n\nconst enum StateKind {\n NoValue,\n Value,\n Error,\n}\n\ninterface NoValueState {\n kind: StateKind.NoValue;\n}\n\ninterface ValueState<T> {\n kind: StateKind.Value;\n value: T;\n}\n\ninterface ErrorState {\n kind: StateKind.Error;\n error: unknown;\n}\n\ntype State<T> = NoValueState | ValueState<T> | ErrorState;\n","/**\n * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.\n */\n\nexport * from './index';\n"],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;;AAYA;;;;;;;;;AASG;AACG,SAAU,kBAAkB,CAAI,UAAuB,EAAA;IAC3D,IAAI,CAAC,UAAU,EAAE;QACf,wBAAwB,CAAC,kBAAkB,CAAC,CAAC;AAC7C,QAAA,UAAU,GAAG,MAAM,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,CAAC;KACjC;IAED,MAAM,UAAU,GAAG,IAAI,UAAU,CAAO,CAAC,QAAQ,KAAI;AACnD,QAAA,MAAM,YAAY,GAAG,UAAW,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC,QAAQ,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,QAAQ,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC;AACzE,QAAA,OAAO,YAAY,CAAC;AACtB,KAAC,CAAC,CAAC;IAEH,OAAO,CAAI,MAAqB,KAAI;QAClC,OAAO,MAAM,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC;AAC5C,KAAC,CAAC;AACJ;;ACdA;;;;;AAKG;AACH,MAAM,uBAAuB,CAAA;AAK3B,IAAA,WAAA,CAAoB,MAAqB,EAAA;QAArB,IAAM,CAAA,MAAA,GAAN,MAAM,CAAe;QAJjC,IAAS,CAAA,SAAA,GAAG,KAAK,CAAC;AAE1B,QAAA,IAAA,CAAA,UAAU,GAAG,MAAM,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,CAAC;AAG9B,QAAA,IAAI,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC,MAAK;AAC7B,YAAA,IAAI,CAAC,SAAS,GAAG,IAAI,CAAC;AACxB,SAAC,CAAC,CAAC;KACJ;AAED,IAAA,SAAS,CAAC,UAA8B,EAAA;AACtC,QAAA,IAAI,IAAI,CAAC,SAAS,EAAE;YAClB,MAAM,IAAI,aAAa,CAAA,GAAA,+CAErB,SAAS;gBACP,oDAAoD;AAClD,oBAAA,8CAA8C,CACnD,CAAC;SACH;;AAGD,QAAA,MAAM,YAAY,GAAG,IAAI,CAAC,MAAM,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,kBAAkB,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC;YACnF,IAAI,EAAE,CAAC,KAAK,KAAK,UAAU,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC;AACnC,SAAA,CAAC,CAAC;QAEH,OAAO;AACL,YAAA,WAAW,EAAE,MAAM,YAAY,CAAC,WAAW,EAAE;SAC9C,CAAC;KACH;AACF,CAAA;AAED;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAuBG;AACa,SAAA,oBAAoB,CAClC,UAAyB,EACzB,IAAoB,EAAA;AAEpB,IAAA,SAAS,IAAI,wBAAwB,CAAC,oBAAoB,CAAC,CAAC;AAC5D,IAAA,OAAO,IAAI,uBAAuB,CAAI,UAAU,CAAC,CAAC;AACpD;;AC/EA;;;;;;;AAOG;AACG,SAAU,kBAAkB,CAAI,GAAiB,EAAA;AACrD,IAAA,MAAM,UAAU,GAAG,oBAAoB,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC;AAE7C,IAAA,OAAO,IAAI,UAAU,CAAI,CAAC,QAAQ,KAAI;;;;QAIpC,UAAU,EAAE,SAAS,CAAC,MAAM,QAAQ,CAAC,QAAQ,EAAE,CAAC,CAAC;AAEjD,QAAA,MAAM,YAAY,GAAG,GAAG,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,KAAK,QAAQ,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC;AAC5D,QAAA,OAAO,MAAM,YAAY,CAAC,WAAW,EAAE,CAAC;AAC1C,KAAC,CAAC,CAAC;AACL;;ACGA;;;;;;;;AAQG;AACa,SAAA,YAAY,CAAI,MAAiB,EAAE,OAA6B,EAAA;IAC9E,CAAC,OAAO,EAAE,QAAQ,IAAI,wBAAwB,CAAC,YAAY,CAAC,CAAC;IAC7D,MAAM,QAAQ,GAAG,OAAO,EAAE,QAAQ,IAAI,MAAM,CAAC,QAAQ,CAAC,CAAC;AACvD,IAAA,MAAM,OAAO,GAAG,IAAI,aAAa,CAAI,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC;AAExC,IAAA,MAAM,OAAO,GAAG,MAAM,CACpB,MAAK;AACH,QAAA,IAAI,KAAQ,CAAC;AACb,QAAA,IAAI;YACF,KAAK,GAAG,MAAM,EAAE,CAAC;SAClB;QAAC,OAAO,GAAG,EAAE;YACZ,SAAS,CAAC,MAAM,OAAO,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC;YACpC,OAAO;SACR;QACD,SAAS,CAAC,MAAM,OAAO,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC;KACtC,EACD,EAAC,QAAQ,EAAE,aAAa,EAAE,IAAI,EAAC,CAChC,CAAC;IAEF,QAAQ,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC,MAAK;QACtC,OAAO,CAAC,OAAO,EAAE,CAAC;QAClB,OAAO,CAAC,QAAQ,EAAE,CAAC;AACrB,KAAC,CAAC,CAAC;AAEH,IAAA,OAAO,OAAO,CAAC,YAAY,EAAE,CAAC;AAChC;;ACwCA;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAuBG;AACa,SAAA,QAAQ,CACtB,MAAuC,EACvC,OAAqD,EAAA;IAErD,SAAS;QACP,0BAA0B,CACxB,QAAQ,EACR,2DAA2D;AACzD,YAAA,oGAAoG,CACvG,CAAC;AAEJ,IAAA,MAAM,eAAe,GAAG,CAAC,OAAO,EAAE,aAAa,CAAC;IAChD,eAAe,IAAI,CAAC,OAAO,EAAE,QAAQ,IAAI,wBAAwB,CAAC,QAAQ,CAAC,CAAC;IAC5E,MAAM,UAAU,GAAG,eAAe;AAChC,WAAG,OAAO,EAAE,QAAQ,EAAE,GAAG,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,IAAI,MAAM,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC;UACzD,IAAI,CAAC;IAET,MAAM,KAAK,GAAG,iBAAiB,CAAC,OAAO,EAAE,KAAK,CAAC,CAAC;;;AAIhD,IAAA,IAAI,KAAmC,CAAC;AACxC,IAAA,IAAI,OAAO,EAAE,WAAW,EAAE;;AAExB,QAAA,KAAK,GAAG,MAAM,CAAC,EAAC,IAAI,EAAA,CAAA,0BAAoB,EAAE,EAAC,KAAK,EAAC,CAAC,CAAC;KACpD;SAAM;;AAEL,QAAA,KAAK,GAAG,MAAM,CACZ,EAAC,IAAI,EAAA,CAAA,wBAAmB,KAAK,EAAE,OAAO,EAAE,YAAiB,EAAC,EAC1D,EAAC,KAAK,EAAC,CACR,CAAC;KACH;;;;;;;AAQD,IAAA,MAAM,GAAG,GAAG,MAAM,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC;AAC3B,QAAA,IAAI,EAAE,CAAC,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,EAAC,IAAI,EAAA,CAAA,wBAAmB,KAAK,EAAC,CAAC;AAC1D,QAAA,KAAK,EAAE,CAAC,KAAK,KAAI;AACf,YAAA,IAAI,OAAO,EAAE,YAAY,EAAE;;;AAGzB,gBAAA,MAAM,KAAK,CAAC;aACb;YACD,KAAK,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,EAAC,IAAI,2BAAmB,KAAK,EAAC,CAAC,CAAC;SAC3C;;;AAGF,KAAA,CAAC,CAAC;IAEH,IAAI,OAAO,EAAE,WAAW,IAAI,KAAK,EAAE,CAAC,IAAI,KAAsB,CAAA,0BAAE;QAC9D,MAAM,IAAI,aAAa,CAAA,GAAA,yDAErB,CAAC,OAAO,SAAS,KAAK,WAAW,IAAI,SAAS;AAC5C,YAAA,qFAAqF,CACxF,CAAC;KACH;;AAGD,IAAA,UAAU,EAAE,SAAS,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,WAAW,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC;;;IAIjD,OAAO,QAAQ,CACb,MAAK;AACH,QAAA,MAAM,OAAO,GAAG,KAAK,EAAE,CAAC;AACxB,QAAA,QAAQ,OAAO,CAAC,IAAI;AAClB,YAAA,KAAA,CAAA;gBACE,OAAO,OAAO,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC;AACvB,YAAA,KAAA,CAAA;gBACE,MAAM,OAAO,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC;AACtB,YAAA,KAAA,CAAA;;gBAEE,MAAM,IAAI,aAAa,CAAA,GAAA,yDAErB,CAAC,OAAO,SAAS,KAAK,WAAW,IAAI,SAAS;AAC5C,oBAAA,qFAAqF,CACxF,CAAC;SACL;KACF,EACD,EAAC,KAAK,EAAE,OAAO,EAAE,KAAK,EAAC,CACxB,CAAC;AACJ,CAAC;AAED,SAAS,iBAAiB,CACxB,YAAmC,GAAA,MAAM,CAAC,EAAE,EAAA;IAE5C,OAAO,CAAC,CAAC,EAAE,CAAC,KACV,CAAC,CAAC,IAAI,KAAA,CAAA,0BAAwB,CAAC,CAAC,IAAI,KAAoB,CAAA,0BAAI,YAAY,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,KAAK,EAAE,CAAC,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,CAAC;AAC/F;;AChOA;;AAEG;;;;"} |