const tty = require('node:tty'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-warning-comments // TODO: Use a better method when it's added to Node.js ( // Lots of optionals here to support Deno. const hasColors = tty?.WriteStream?.prototype?.hasColors?.() ?? false; const format = (open, close) => { if (!hasColors) { return input => input; } const openCode = `\u001B[${open}m`; const closeCode = `\u001B[${close}m`; return input => { const string = input + ''; // eslint-disable-line no-implicit-coercion -- This is faster. let index = string.indexOf(closeCode); if (index === -1) { // Note: Intentionally not using string interpolation for performance reasons. return openCode + string + closeCode; } // Handle nested colors. // We could have done this, but it's too slow (as of Node.js 22). // return openCode + string.replaceAll(closeCode, openCode) + closeCode; let result = openCode; let lastIndex = 0; while (index !== -1) { result += string.slice(lastIndex, index) + openCode; lastIndex = index + closeCode.length; index = string.indexOf(closeCode, lastIndex); } result += string.slice(lastIndex) + closeCode; return result; }; }; const colors = {}; colors.reset = format(0, 0); colors.bold = format(1, 22); colors.dim = format(2, 22); colors.italic = format(3, 23); colors.underline = format(4, 24); colors.overline = format(53, 55); colors.inverse = format(7, 27); colors.hidden = format(8, 28); colors.strikethrough = format(9, 29); = format(30, 39); = format(31, 39); = format(32, 39); colors.yellow = format(33, 39); = format(34, 39); colors.magenta = format(35, 39); colors.cyan = format(36, 39); colors.white = format(37, 39); colors.gray = format(90, 39); colors.bgBlack = format(40, 49); colors.bgRed = format(41, 49); colors.bgGreen = format(42, 49); colors.bgYellow = format(43, 49); colors.bgBlue = format(44, 49); colors.bgMagenta = format(45, 49); colors.bgCyan = format(46, 49); colors.bgWhite = format(47, 49); colors.bgGray = format(100, 49); colors.redBright = format(91, 39); colors.greenBright = format(92, 39); colors.yellowBright = format(93, 39); colors.blueBright = format(94, 39); colors.magentaBright = format(95, 39); colors.cyanBright = format(96, 39); colors.whiteBright = format(97, 39); colors.bgRedBright = format(101, 49); colors.bgGreenBright = format(102, 49); colors.bgYellowBright = format(103, 49); colors.bgBlueBright = format(104, 49); colors.bgMagentaBright = format(105, 49); colors.bgCyanBright = format(106, 49); colors.bgWhiteBright = format(107, 49); module.exports = colors;