// Licensed to the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The SFC licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. 'use strict'; var path = require('path'); var firefox = require('../../firefox'), io = require('../../io'), test = require('../../lib/test'), assert = require('../../testing/assert'), Context = require('../../firefox').Context, error = require('../..').error; var {consume} = require('../../lib/promise'); var JETPACK_EXTENSION = path.join(__dirname, '../../lib/test/data/firefox/jetpack-sample.xpi'); var NORMAL_EXTENSION = path.join(__dirname, '../../lib/test/data/firefox/sample.xpi'); var WEBEXTENSION_EXTENSION = path.join(__dirname, '../../lib/test/data/firefox/webextension.xpi'); test.suite(function(env) { describe('firefox', function() { describe('Options', function() { let driver; beforeEach(function() { driver = null; }); afterEach(function() { if (driver) { return driver.quit(); } }); /** * @param {...string} extensions the extensions to install. * @return {!firefox.Profile} a new profile. */ function profileWithExtensions(...extensions) { let profile = new firefox.Profile(); profile.setPreference('xpinstall.signatures.required', false); extensions.forEach(ext => profile.addExtension(ext)); return profile; } /** * Runs a test that requires Firefox Developer Edition. The test will be * skipped if dev cannot be found on the current system. */ function runWithFirefoxDev(options, testFn) { return firefox.Channel.AURORA.locate().then(exe => { options.setBinary(exe); driver = env.builder() .setFirefoxOptions(options) .build(); return driver.call(testFn); }, err => { console.warn( 'Skipping test: could not find Firefox Dev Edition: ' + err); }); } describe('can start Firefox with custom preferences', function() { function runTest(opt_dir) { return consume(function*() { let profile = new firefox.Profile(opt_dir); profile.setPreference('general.useragent.override', 'foo;bar'); let options = new firefox.Options().setProfile(profile); driver = env.builder(). setFirefoxOptions(options). build(); yield driver.get('data:text/html,
'); var userAgent = yield driver.executeScript( 'return window.navigator.userAgent'); assert(userAgent).equalTo('foo;bar'); }); } test.it('profile created from scratch', function() { return runTest(); }); test.it('profile created from template', function() { return io.tmpDir().then(runTest); }); }); test.it('can start Firefox with a jetpack extension', function() { let profile = profileWithExtensions(JETPACK_EXTENSION); let options = new firefox.Options().setProfile(profile); return runWithFirefoxDev(options, function*() { yield loadJetpackPage(driver, 'data:text/html;charset=UTF-8,
'); let text = yield driver.findElement({id: 'jetpack-sample-banner'}).getText(); assert(text).equalTo('Hello, world!'); }); }); test.it('can start Firefox with a normal extension', function() { let profile = profileWithExtensions(NORMAL_EXTENSION); let options = new firefox.Options().setProfile(profile); return runWithFirefoxDev(options, function*() { yield driver.get('data:text/html,
'); let footer = yield driver.findElement({id: 'sample-extension-footer'}); let text = yield footer.getText(); assert(text).equalTo('Goodbye'); }); }); test.it('can start Firefox with a webextension extension', function() { let profile = profileWithExtensions(WEBEXTENSION_EXTENSION); let options = new firefox.Options().setProfile(profile); return runWithFirefoxDev(options, function*() { yield driver.get(test.Pages.echoPage); let footer = yield driver.findElement({id: 'webextensions-selenium-example'}); let text = yield footer.getText(); assert(text).equalTo('Content injected by webextensions-selenium-example'); }); }); test.it('can start Firefox with multiple extensions', function() { let profile = profileWithExtensions(JETPACK_EXTENSION, NORMAL_EXTENSION); let options = new firefox.Options().setProfile(profile); return runWithFirefoxDev(options, function*() { yield loadJetpackPage(driver, 'data:text/html;charset=UTF-8,
'); let banner = yield driver.findElement({id: 'jetpack-sample-banner'}).getText(); assert(banner).equalTo('Hello, world!'); let footer = yield driver.findElement({id: 'sample-extension-footer'}) .getText(); assert(footer).equalTo('Goodbye'); }); }); function loadJetpackPage(driver, url) { // On linux the jetpack extension does not always run the first time // we load a page. If this happens, just reload the page (a simple // refresh doesn't appear to work). return driver.wait(function() { driver.get(url); return driver.findElements({id: 'jetpack-sample-banner'}) .then(found => found.length > 0); }, 3000); } }); describe('binary management', function() { var driver1, driver2; test.ignore(env.isRemote). it('can start multiple sessions with single binary instance', function*() { var options = new firefox.Options().setBinary(new firefox.Binary); env.builder().setFirefoxOptions(options); driver1 = yield env.builder().build(); driver2 = yield env.builder().build(); // Ok if this doesn't fail. }); test.afterEach(function*() { if (driver1) { yield driver1.quit(); } if (driver2) { yield driver2.quit(); } }); }); describe('context switching', function() { var driver; test.beforeEach(function*() { driver = yield env.builder().build(); }); test.afterEach(function() { if (driver) { return driver.quit(); } }); test.it('can get context', function() { return assert(driver.getContext()).equalTo(Context.CONTENT); }); test.it('can set context', function*() { yield driver.setContext(Context.CHROME); let ctxt = yield driver.getContext(); assert(ctxt).equalTo(Context.CHROME); yield driver.setContext(Context.CONTENT); ctxt = yield driver.getContext(); assert(ctxt).equalTo(Context.CONTENT); }); test.it('throws on unknown context', function() { return driver.setContext("foo").then(assert.fail, function(e) { assert(e).instanceOf(error.InvalidArgumentError); }); }); }); }); }, {browsers: ['firefox']});