var crypto = require('crypto'); var https = require('https'); var querystring = require('querystring'); var utils = require('./utils'); var HttpsProxyAgent = require('https-proxy-agent'); var url = require('url'); var extend = utils.extend; var replace = utils.replace; var DEFAULTS = { username: null, password: null, proxy: null, hostname: '', base: '/rest/v1/', port: '443' }; function SauceLabs(options) { this.options = extend({}, DEFAULTS, options); this.options.auth = this.options.username + ':' + this.options.password; } module.exports = SauceLabs; // API SauceLabs.prototype.getAccountDetails = function (callback) { this.send({ method: 'GET', path: 'users/:username' }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.getAccountLimits = function (callback) { this.send({ method: 'GET', path: ':username/limits' }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.getUserActivity = function (start, end, callback) { if (typeof start === 'function') { callback = start; start = null; end = null; } else if (typeof end === 'function') { callback = end; end = null; } var dates = (start != null || end != null) ? {} : null; if (start != null) { dates.start = formatDate(start); } if (end != null) { dates.end = formatDate(end); } this.send({ method: 'GET', path: ':username/activity', query: dates }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.getUserConcurrency = function (callback) { this.send({ method: 'GET', path: 'users/:username/concurrency' }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.getAccountUsage = function (callback) { this.send({ method: 'GET', path: 'users/:username/usage' }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.getJobs = function (callback) { this.send({ method: 'GET', path: ':username/jobs', query: { full: true } }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.showJob = function (id, callback) { this.send({ method: 'GET', path: ':username/jobs/:id', args: { id: id } }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.showJobAssets = function (id, callback) { this.send({ method: 'GET', path: ':username/jobs/:id/assets', args: { id: id } }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.updateJob = function (id, data, callback) { this.send({ method: 'PUT', path: ':username/jobs/:id', args: { id: id }, data: data }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.stopJob = function (id, data, callback) { this.send({ method: 'PUT', path: ':username/jobs/:id/stop', args: { id: id }, data: data }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.deleteJob = function (id, callback) { this.send({ method: 'DELETE', path: ':username/jobs/:id', args: { id: id } }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.getActiveTunnels = function (callback) { this.send({ method: 'GET', path: ':username/tunnels' }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.getTunnel = function (id, callback){ this.send({ method: 'GET', path: ':username/tunnels/:id', args: { id: id } }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.deleteTunnel = function (id, callback){ this.send({ method: 'DELETE', path: ':username/tunnels/:id', args: { id: id } }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.getServiceStatus = function (callback) { this.send({ method: 'GET', path: 'info/status' }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.getBrowsers = function (callback) { this.send({ method: 'GET', path: 'info/browsers' }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.getAllBrowsers = function (callback) { this.send({ method: 'GET', path: 'info/browsers/all' }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.getSeleniumBrowsers = function (callback) { this.send({ method: 'GET', path: 'info/browsers/selenium-rc' }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.getWebDriverBrowsers = function (callback) { this.send({ method: 'GET', path: 'info/browsers/webdriver' }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.getTestCounter = function (callback) { this.send({ method: 'GET', path: 'info/counter' }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.updateSubAccount = function (data, callback) { this.send({ method: 'POST', path: 'users/:username/subscription', data: data }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.deleteSubAccount = function (callback) { this.send({ method: 'DELETE', path: 'users/:username/subscription' }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.createSubAccount = function (data, callback) { this.send({ method: 'POST', path: 'users/:username', data: data }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.createPublicLink = function (id, date, useHour, callback) { if (typeof date === 'function') { callback = date; date = null; useHour = false; } else if (typeof useHour === 'function') { callback = useHour; useHour = false; } if (date != null) { date = formatDate(date, useHour); } var link = generateLink(this.options.hostname, this.options.auth, date, id); callback(null, link); }; SauceLabs.prototype.send = function (message, callback) { var method = message.method, path = message.path, args = message.args, query = message.query, data =, body = JSON.stringify(data); // Build path with base, placeholders, and query. path = this.options.base + replace(path, extend({}, this.options, args)); if (query != null) { path += '?' + querystring.stringify(query); } // Make the request. var options = extend({}, this.options, { method: method, path: path, headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': body != null ? Buffer.byteLength(body) : 0 } }); makeRequest(options, body, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.getSubAccountList = function (callback) { this.send({ method: 'GET', path: 'users/:username/list-subaccounts' }, callback); }; SauceLabs.prototype.getSubAccounts = function (callback) { this.send({ method: 'GET', path: 'users/:username/subaccounts' }, callback); }; // Helpers function formatDate(date, useHour) { return date.toISOString().replace(/T(\d+).*/, (useHour ? '-$1' : '')); } function generateToken(auth, date, job) { var key = auth + (date ? ':' + date : ''); return crypto .createHmac('md5', key) .update(job) .digest('hex'); } function generateLink(hostname, auth, date, job) { return replace('https://:hostname/jobs/:id?auth=:token', { hostname: hostname, id: job, token: generateToken(auth, date, job) }); } function makeRequest(options, body, callback) { if(options.proxy){ options.agent = new HttpsProxyAgent(url.parse(options.proxy)); } var request = https.request(options, function (response) { var result = ''; if (callback) { response .on('data', function (chunk) { result += chunk; }) .on('end', function () { var res; try { res = JSON.parse(result); } catch (e) { callback('Could not parse response: ' + result); return; } if (response.statusCode === 200) { callback(null, res); } else { callback(res); } }); } }); request .on('error', function (err) { callback('Could not send request: ' + err.message); }); if (body != null) { request.write(body); } request.end(); }