import { getDownloadURL as getDownloadURL$1, getMetadata as getMetadata$1, uploadBytesResumable as uploadBytesResumable$1, uploadString as uploadString$1 } from 'firebase/storage'; import { Observable, from } from 'rxjs'; import { shareReplay, map } from 'rxjs/operators'; function fromTask(task) { return new Observable(function (subscriber) { var lastSnapshot = null; var complete = false; var hasError = false; var error = null; var emit = function (snapshot) { lastSnapshot = snapshot; schedule(); }; var id = null; /** * Schedules an async event to check and emit * the most recent snapshot, and complete or error * if necessary. */ var schedule = function () { if (!id) { id = setTimeout(function () { id = null; if (lastSnapshot); if (complete) subscriber.complete(); if (hasError) subscriber.error(error); }); } }; subscriber.add(function () { // If we have any emissions checks scheduled, cancel them. if (id) clearTimeout(id); }); // Emit the initial snapshot emit(task.snapshot); // Take each update and schedule them to be emitted (see `emit`) subscriber.add(task.on('state_changed', emit)); // task is a promise, so we can convert that to an observable, // this is done for the ergonomics around making sure we don't // try to push errors or completions through closed subscribers subscriber.add(from(task).subscribe({ next: emit, error: function (err) { hasError = true; error = err; schedule(); }, complete: function () { complete = true; schedule(); }, })); }); } function getDownloadURL(ref) { return from(getDownloadURL$1(ref)); } // TODO: fix storage typing in firebase, then apply the same fix here // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any function getMetadata(ref) { return from(getMetadata$1(ref)); } // MARK: Breaking change (renaming put to uploadBytesResumable) function uploadBytesResumable(ref, data, metadata) { return new Observable(function (subscriber) { var task = uploadBytesResumable$1(ref, data, metadata); var subscription = fromTask(task).subscribe(subscriber); return function unsubscribe() { subscription.unsubscribe(); task.cancel(); }; }).pipe(shareReplay({ bufferSize: 1, refCount: true })); } // MARK: Breaking change (renaming put to uploadString) function uploadString(ref, data, format, metadata) { return from(uploadString$1(ref, data, format, metadata)); } function percentage(task) { return fromTask(task).pipe(map(function (snapshot) { return ({ progress: (snapshot.bytesTransferred / snapshot.totalBytes) * 100, snapshot: snapshot, }); })); } export { fromTask, getDownloadURL, getMetadata, percentage, uploadBytesResumable, uploadString }; //#