#! /usr/bin/env node const { relative } = require('path') const pkgContents = require('../') const usage = `Usage: installed-package-contents [-d --depth=] Lists the files installed for a package specified by . Options: -d --depth= Provide a numeric value ("Infinity" is allowed) to specify how deep in the file tree to traverse. Default=1 -h --help Show this usage information` const options = {} process.argv.slice(2).forEach(arg => { let match if ((match = arg.match(/^(?:--depth=|-d)([0-9]+|Infinity)/))) { options.depth = +match[1] } else if (arg === '-h' || arg === '--help') { console.log(usage) process.exit(0) } else { options.path = arg } }) if (!options.path) { console.error('ERROR: no path provided') console.error(usage) process.exit(1) } const cwd = process.cwd() pkgContents(options) .then(list => list.sort().forEach(p => console.log(relative(cwd, p)))) .catch(/* istanbul ignore next - pretty unusual */ er => { console.error(er) process.exit(1) })