"use strict"; var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Separator = void 0; const core_1 = require("@inquirer/core"); const yoctocolors_cjs_1 = __importDefault(require("yoctocolors-cjs")); const figures_1 = __importDefault(require("@inquirer/figures")); const ansi_escapes_1 = __importDefault(require("ansi-escapes")); const checkboxTheme = { icon: { checked: yoctocolors_cjs_1.default.green(figures_1.default.circleFilled), unchecked: figures_1.default.circle, cursor: figures_1.default.pointer, }, style: { disabledChoice: (text) => yoctocolors_cjs_1.default.dim(`- ${text}`), renderSelectedChoices: (selectedChoices) => selectedChoices.map((choice) => choice.short).join(', '), description: (text) => yoctocolors_cjs_1.default.cyan(text), }, helpMode: 'auto', }; function isSelectable(item) { return !core_1.Separator.isSeparator(item) && !item.disabled; } function isChecked(item) { return isSelectable(item) && Boolean(item.checked); } function toggle(item) { return isSelectable(item) ? Object.assign(Object.assign({}, item), { checked: !item.checked }) : item; } function check(checked) { return function (item) { return isSelectable(item) ? Object.assign(Object.assign({}, item), { checked }) : item; }; } function normalizeChoices(choices) { return choices.map((choice) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d; if (core_1.Separator.isSeparator(choice)) return choice; if (typeof choice === 'string') { return { value: choice, name: choice, short: choice, disabled: false, checked: false, }; } const name = (_a = choice.name) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : String(choice.value); return { value: choice.value, name, short: (_b = choice.short) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : name, description: choice.description, disabled: (_c = choice.disabled) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : false, checked: (_d = choice.checked) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : false, }; }); } exports.default = (0, core_1.createPrompt)((config, done) => { const { instructions, pageSize = 7, loop = true, required, validate = () => true, } = config; const theme = (0, core_1.makeTheme)(checkboxTheme, config.theme); const prefix = (0, core_1.usePrefix)({ theme }); const firstRender = (0, core_1.useRef)(true); const [status, setStatus] = (0, core_1.useState)('pending'); const [items, setItems] = (0, core_1.useState)(normalizeChoices(config.choices)); const bounds = (0, core_1.useMemo)(() => { const first = items.findIndex(isSelectable); const last = items.findLastIndex(isSelectable); if (first < 0) { throw new core_1.ValidationError('[checkbox prompt] No selectable choices. All choices are disabled.'); } return { first, last }; }, [items]); const [active, setActive] = (0, core_1.useState)(bounds.first); const [showHelpTip, setShowHelpTip] = (0, core_1.useState)(true); const [errorMsg, setError] = (0, core_1.useState)(); (0, core_1.useKeypress)((key) => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () { if ((0, core_1.isEnterKey)(key)) { const selection = items.filter(isChecked); const isValid = yield validate([...selection]); if (required && !items.some(isChecked)) { setError('At least one choice must be selected'); } else if (isValid === true) { setStatus('done'); done(selection.map((choice) => choice.value)); } else { setError(isValid || 'You must select a valid value'); } } else if ((0, core_1.isUpKey)(key) || (0, core_1.isDownKey)(key)) { if (loop || ((0, core_1.isUpKey)(key) && active !== bounds.first) || ((0, core_1.isDownKey)(key) && active !== bounds.last)) { const offset = (0, core_1.isUpKey)(key) ? -1 : 1; let next = active; do { next = (next + offset + items.length) % items.length; } while (!isSelectable(items[next])); setActive(next); } } else if ((0, core_1.isSpaceKey)(key)) { setError(undefined); setShowHelpTip(false); setItems(items.map((choice, i) => (i === active ? toggle(choice) : choice))); } else if (key.name === 'a') { const selectAll = items.some((choice) => isSelectable(choice) && !choice.checked); setItems(items.map(check(selectAll))); } else if (key.name === 'i') { setItems(items.map(toggle)); } else if ((0, core_1.isNumberKey)(key)) { // Adjust index to start at 1 const position = Number(key.name) - 1; const item = items[position]; if (item != null && isSelectable(item)) { setActive(position); setItems(items.map((choice, i) => (i === position ? toggle(choice) : choice))); } } })); const message = theme.style.message(config.message); let description; const page = (0, core_1.usePagination)({ items, active, renderItem({ item, isActive }) { if (core_1.Separator.isSeparator(item)) { return ` ${item.separator}`; } if (item.disabled) { const disabledLabel = typeof item.disabled === 'string' ? item.disabled : '(disabled)'; return theme.style.disabledChoice(`${item.name} ${disabledLabel}`); } if (isActive) { description = item.description; } const checkbox = item.checked ? theme.icon.checked : theme.icon.unchecked; const color = isActive ? theme.style.highlight : (x) => x; const cursor = isActive ? theme.icon.cursor : ' '; return color(`${cursor}${checkbox} ${item.name}`); }, pageSize, loop, }); if (status === 'done') { const selection = items.filter(isChecked); const answer = theme.style.answer(theme.style.renderSelectedChoices(selection, items)); return `${prefix} ${message} ${answer}`; } let helpTipTop = ''; let helpTipBottom = ''; if (theme.helpMode === 'always' || (theme.helpMode === 'auto' && showHelpTip && (instructions === undefined || instructions))) { if (typeof instructions === 'string') { helpTipTop = instructions; } else { const keys = [ `${theme.style.key('space')} to select`, `${theme.style.key('a')} to toggle all`, `${theme.style.key('i')} to invert selection`, `and ${theme.style.key('enter')} to proceed`, ]; helpTipTop = ` (Press ${keys.join(', ')})`; } if (items.length > pageSize && (theme.helpMode === 'always' || (theme.helpMode === 'auto' && firstRender.current))) { helpTipBottom = `\n${theme.style.help('(Use arrow keys to reveal more choices)')}`; firstRender.current = false; } } const choiceDescription = description ? `\n${theme.style.description(description)}` : ``; let error = ''; if (errorMsg) { error = `\n${theme.style.error(errorMsg)}`; } return `${prefix} ${message}${helpTipTop}\n${page}${helpTipBottom}${choiceDescription}${error}${ansi_escapes_1.default.cursorHide}`; }); var core_2 = require("@inquirer/core"); Object.defineProperty(exports, "Separator", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_2.Separator; } });