/** * The Vertex AI in Firebase Web SDK. * * @packageDocumentation */ import { AppCheckTokenResult } from '@firebase/app-check-interop-types'; import { FirebaseApp } from '@firebase/app'; import { FirebaseAuthTokenData } from '@firebase/auth-interop-types'; import { FirebaseError } from '@firebase/util'; declare interface ApiSettings { apiKey: string; project: string; location: string; getAuthToken?: () => Promise; getAppCheckToken?: () => Promise; } /** * Schema class for "array" types. * The `items` param should refer to the type of item that can be a member * of the array. * @public */ export declare class ArraySchema extends Schema { items: TypedSchema; constructor(schemaParams: SchemaParams, items: TypedSchema); /* Excluded from this release type: toJSON */ } /** * Base parameters for a number of methods. * @public */ export declare interface BaseParams { safetySettings?: SafetySetting[]; generationConfig?: GenerationConfig; } /** * Reason that a prompt was blocked. * @public */ export declare enum BlockReason { SAFETY = "SAFETY", OTHER = "OTHER" } /** * Schema class for "boolean" types. * @public */ export declare class BooleanSchema extends Schema { constructor(schemaParams?: SchemaParams); } /** * ChatSession class that enables sending chat messages and stores * history of sent and received messages so far. * * @public */ export declare class ChatSession { model: string; params?: StartChatParams | undefined; requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined; private _apiSettings; private _history; private _sendPromise; constructor(apiSettings: ApiSettings, model: string, params?: StartChatParams | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined); /** * Gets the chat history so far. Blocked prompts are not added to history. * Neither blocked candidates nor the prompts that generated them are added * to history. */ getHistory(): Promise; /** * Sends a chat message and receives a non-streaming * {@link GenerateContentResult} */ sendMessage(request: string | Array): Promise; /** * Sends a chat message and receives the response as a * {@link GenerateContentStreamResult} containing an iterable stream * and a response promise. */ sendMessageStream(request: string | Array): Promise; } /** * A single citation. * @public */ export declare interface Citation { startIndex?: number; endIndex?: number; uri?: string; license?: string; title?: string; publicationDate?: Date_2; } /** * Citation metadata that may be found on a {@link GenerateContentCandidate}. * @public */ export declare interface CitationMetadata { citations: Citation[]; } /** * Content type for both prompts and response candidates. * @public */ export declare interface Content { role: Role; parts: Part[]; } /** * Params for calling {@link GenerativeModel.countTokens} * @public */ export declare interface CountTokensRequest { contents: Content[]; } /** * Response from calling {@link GenerativeModel.countTokens}. * @public */ export declare interface CountTokensResponse { /** * The total number of tokens counted across all instances from the request. */ totalTokens: number; /** * The total number of billable characters counted across all instances * from the request. */ totalBillableCharacters?: number; } /** * Details object that contains data originating from a bad HTTP response. * * @public */ export declare interface CustomErrorData { /** HTTP status code of the error response. */ status?: number; /** HTTP status text of the error response. */ statusText?: string; /** Response from a {@link GenerateContentRequest} */ response?: GenerateContentResponse; /** Optional additional details about the error. */ errorDetails?: ErrorDetails[]; } /** * Protobuf google.type.Date * @public */ declare interface Date_2 { year: number; month: number; day: number; } export { Date_2 as Date } /** * Response object wrapped with helper methods. * * @public */ export declare interface EnhancedGenerateContentResponse extends GenerateContentResponse { /** * Returns the text string from the response, if available. * Throws if the prompt or candidate was blocked. */ text: () => string; functionCalls: () => FunctionCall[] | undefined; } /** * Details object that may be included in an error response. * * @public */ export declare interface ErrorDetails { '@type'?: string; /** The reason for the error. */ reason?: string; /** The domain where the error occurred. */ domain?: string; /** Additional metadata about the error. */ metadata?: Record; /** Any other relevant information about the error. */ [key: string]: unknown; } /** * Data pointing to a file uploaded on Google Cloud Storage. * @public */ export declare interface FileData { mimeType: string; fileUri: string; } /** * Content part interface if the part represents {@link FileData} * @public */ export declare interface FileDataPart { text?: never; inlineData?: never; functionCall?: never; functionResponse?: never; fileData: FileData; } /** * Reason that a candidate finished. * @public */ export declare enum FinishReason { STOP = "STOP", MAX_TOKENS = "MAX_TOKENS", SAFETY = "SAFETY", RECITATION = "RECITATION", OTHER = "OTHER" } /** * A predicted {@link FunctionCall} returned from the model * that contains a string representing the {@link FunctionDeclaration.name} * and a structured JSON object containing the parameters and their values. * @public */ export declare interface FunctionCall { name: string; args: object; } /** * @public */ export declare interface FunctionCallingConfig { mode?: FunctionCallingMode; allowedFunctionNames?: string[]; } /** * @public */ export declare enum FunctionCallingMode { AUTO = "AUTO", ANY = "ANY", NONE = "NONE" } /** * Content part interface if the part represents a {@link FunctionCall}. * @public */ export declare interface FunctionCallPart { text?: never; inlineData?: never; functionCall: FunctionCall; functionResponse?: never; } /** * Structured representation of a function declaration as defined by the * {@link https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.0.3 | OpenAPI 3.0 specification}. * Included * in this declaration are the function name and parameters. This * `FunctionDeclaration` is a representation of a block of code that can be used * as a Tool by the model and executed by the client. * @public */ export declare interface FunctionDeclaration { /** * The name of the function to call. Must start with a letter or an * underscore. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with * a max length of 64. */ name: string; /** * Description and purpose of the function. Model uses it to decide * how and whether to call the function. */ description: string; /** * Optional. Describes the parameters to this function in JSON Schema Object * format. Reflects the Open API 3.03 Parameter Object. Parameter names are * case-sensitive. For a function with no parameters, this can be left unset. */ parameters?: ObjectSchemaInterface; } /** * A `FunctionDeclarationsTool` is a piece of code that enables the system to * interact with external systems to perform an action, or set of actions, * outside of knowledge and scope of the model. * @public */ export declare interface FunctionDeclarationsTool { /** * Optional. One or more function declarations * to be passed to the model along with the current user query. Model may * decide to call a subset of these functions by populating * {@link FunctionCall} in the response. User should * provide a {@link FunctionResponse} for each * function call in the next turn. Based on the function responses, the model will * generate the final response back to the user. Maximum 64 function * declarations can be provided. */ functionDeclarations?: FunctionDeclaration[]; } /** * The result output from a {@link FunctionCall} that contains a string * representing the {@link FunctionDeclaration.name} * and a structured JSON object containing any output * from the function is used as context to the model. * This should contain the result of a {@link FunctionCall} * made based on model prediction. * @public */ export declare interface FunctionResponse { name: string; response: object; } /** * Content part interface if the part represents {@link FunctionResponse}. * @public */ export declare interface FunctionResponsePart { text?: never; inlineData?: never; functionCall?: never; functionResponse: FunctionResponse; } /** * A candidate returned as part of a {@link GenerateContentResponse}. * @public */ export declare interface GenerateContentCandidate { index: number; content: Content; finishReason?: FinishReason; finishMessage?: string; safetyRatings?: SafetyRating[]; citationMetadata?: CitationMetadata; groundingMetadata?: GroundingMetadata; } /** * Request sent through {@link GenerativeModel.generateContent} * @public */ export declare interface GenerateContentRequest extends BaseParams { contents: Content[]; tools?: Tool[]; toolConfig?: ToolConfig; systemInstruction?: string | Part | Content; } /** * Individual response from {@link GenerativeModel.generateContent} and * {@link GenerativeModel.generateContentStream}. * `generateContentStream()` will return one in each chunk until * the stream is done. * @public */ export declare interface GenerateContentResponse { candidates?: GenerateContentCandidate[]; promptFeedback?: PromptFeedback; usageMetadata?: UsageMetadata; } /** * Result object returned from {@link GenerativeModel.generateContent} call. * * @public */ export declare interface GenerateContentResult { response: EnhancedGenerateContentResponse; } /** * Result object returned from {@link GenerativeModel.generateContentStream} call. * Iterate over `stream` to get chunks as they come in and/or * use the `response` promise to get the aggregated response when * the stream is done. * * @public */ export declare interface GenerateContentStreamResult { stream: AsyncGenerator; response: Promise; } /** * Config options for content-related requests * @public */ export declare interface GenerationConfig { candidateCount?: number; stopSequences?: string[]; maxOutputTokens?: number; temperature?: number; topP?: number; topK?: number; presencePenalty?: number; frequencyPenalty?: number; /** * Output response MIME type of the generated candidate text. * Supported MIME types are `text/plain` (default, text output), * `application/json` (JSON response in the candidates), and * `text/x.enum`. */ responseMimeType?: string; /** * Output response schema of the generated candidate text. This * value can be a class generated with a {@link Schema} static method * like `Schema.string()` or `Schema.object()` or it can be a plain * JS object matching the {@link SchemaRequest} interface. *
Note: This only applies when the specified `responseMIMEType` supports a schema; currently * this is limited to `application/json` and `text/x.enum`. */ responseSchema?: TypedSchema | SchemaRequest; } /** * Interface for sending an image. * @public */ export declare interface GenerativeContentBlob { mimeType: string; /** * Image as a base64 string. */ data: string; } /** * Class for generative model APIs. * @public */ export declare class GenerativeModel { private _apiSettings; model: string; generationConfig: GenerationConfig; safetySettings: SafetySetting[]; requestOptions?: RequestOptions; tools?: Tool[]; toolConfig?: ToolConfig; systemInstruction?: Content; constructor(vertexAI: VertexAI, modelParams: ModelParams, requestOptions?: RequestOptions); /** * Makes a single non-streaming call to the model * and returns an object containing a single {@link GenerateContentResponse}. */ generateContent(request: GenerateContentRequest | string | Array): Promise; /** * Makes a single streaming call to the model * and returns an object containing an iterable stream that iterates * over all chunks in the streaming response as well as * a promise that returns the final aggregated response. */ generateContentStream(request: GenerateContentRequest | string | Array): Promise; /** * Gets a new {@link ChatSession} instance which can be used for * multi-turn chats. */ startChat(startChatParams?: StartChatParams): ChatSession; /** * Counts the tokens in the provided request. */ countTokens(request: CountTokensRequest | string | Array): Promise; } /** * Returns a {@link GenerativeModel} class with methods for inference * and other functionality. * * @public */ export declare function getGenerativeModel(vertexAI: VertexAI, modelParams: ModelParams, requestOptions?: RequestOptions): GenerativeModel; /** * Returns a {@link VertexAI} instance for the given app. * * @public * * @param app - The {@link @firebase/app#FirebaseApp} to use. */ export declare function getVertexAI(app?: FirebaseApp, options?: VertexAIOptions): VertexAI; /** * @public */ export declare interface GroundingAttribution { segment: Segment; confidenceScore?: number; web?: WebAttribution; retrievedContext?: RetrievedContextAttribution; } /** * Metadata returned to client when grounding is enabled. * @public */ export declare interface GroundingMetadata { webSearchQueries?: string[]; retrievalQueries?: string[]; groundingAttributions: GroundingAttribution[]; } /** * @public */ export declare enum HarmBlockMethod { SEVERITY = "SEVERITY", PROBABILITY = "PROBABILITY" } /** * Threshold above which a prompt or candidate will be blocked. * @public */ export declare enum HarmBlockThreshold { BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE = "BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE", BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE = "BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE", BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH = "BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH", BLOCK_NONE = "BLOCK_NONE" } /** * Harm categories that would cause prompts or candidates to be blocked. * @public */ export declare enum HarmCategory { HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH = "HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH", HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT = "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT", HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT = "HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT", HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT = "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT" } /** * Probability that a prompt or candidate matches a harm category. * @public */ export declare enum HarmProbability { NEGLIGIBLE = "NEGLIGIBLE", LOW = "LOW", MEDIUM = "MEDIUM", HIGH = "HIGH" } /** * Harm severity levels. * @public */ export declare enum HarmSeverity { HARM_SEVERITY_NEGLIGIBLE = "HARM_SEVERITY_NEGLIGIBLE", HARM_SEVERITY_LOW = "HARM_SEVERITY_LOW", HARM_SEVERITY_MEDIUM = "HARM_SEVERITY_MEDIUM", HARM_SEVERITY_HIGH = "HARM_SEVERITY_HIGH" } /** * Content part interface if the part represents an image. * @public */ export declare interface InlineDataPart { text?: never; inlineData: GenerativeContentBlob; functionCall?: never; functionResponse?: never; /** * Applicable if `inlineData` is a video. */ videoMetadata?: VideoMetadata; } /** * Schema class for "integer" types. * @public */ export declare class IntegerSchema extends Schema { constructor(schemaParams?: SchemaParams); } /** * Params passed to {@link getGenerativeModel}. * @public */ export declare interface ModelParams extends BaseParams { model: string; tools?: Tool[]; toolConfig?: ToolConfig; systemInstruction?: string | Part | Content; } /** * Schema class for "number" types. * @public */ export declare class NumberSchema extends Schema { constructor(schemaParams?: SchemaParams); } /** * Schema class for "object" types. * The `properties` param must be a map of `Schema` objects. * @public */ export declare class ObjectSchema extends Schema { properties: { [k: string]: TypedSchema; }; optionalProperties: string[]; constructor(schemaParams: SchemaParams, properties: { [k: string]: TypedSchema; }, optionalProperties?: string[]); /* Excluded from this release type: toJSON */ } /** * Interface for {@link ObjectSchema} class. * @public */ export declare interface ObjectSchemaInterface extends SchemaInterface { type: SchemaType.OBJECT; optionalProperties?: string[]; } /** * Content part - includes text, image/video, or function call/response * part types. * @public */ export declare type Part = TextPart | InlineDataPart | FunctionCallPart | FunctionResponsePart | FileDataPart; /** * Possible roles. * @public */ export declare const POSSIBLE_ROLES: readonly ["user", "model", "function", "system"]; /** * If the prompt was blocked, this will be populated with `blockReason` and * the relevant `safetyRatings`. * @public */ export declare interface PromptFeedback { blockReason?: BlockReason; safetyRatings: SafetyRating[]; blockReasonMessage?: string; } /** * Params passed to {@link getGenerativeModel}. * @public */ export declare interface RequestOptions { /** * Request timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 180 seconds (180000ms). */ timeout?: number; /** * Base url for endpoint. Defaults to https://firebaseml.googleapis.com */ baseUrl?: string; } /** * @public */ export declare interface RetrievedContextAttribution { uri: string; title: string; } /** * @license * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Role is the producer of the content. * @public */ export declare type Role = (typeof POSSIBLE_ROLES)[number]; /** * A safety rating associated with a {@link GenerateContentCandidate} * @public */ export declare interface SafetyRating { category: HarmCategory; probability: HarmProbability; severity: HarmSeverity; probabilityScore: number; severityScore: number; blocked: boolean; } /** * Safety setting that can be sent as part of request parameters. * @public */ export declare interface SafetySetting { category: HarmCategory; threshold: HarmBlockThreshold; method?: HarmBlockMethod; } /** * Parent class encompassing all Schema types, with static methods that * allow building specific Schema types. This class can be converted with * `JSON.stringify()` into a JSON string accepted by Vertex AI REST endpoints. * (This string conversion is automatically done when calling SDK methods.) * @public */ export declare abstract class Schema implements SchemaInterface { /** * Optional. The type of the property. {@link * SchemaType}. */ type: SchemaType; /** Optional. The format of the property. * Supported formats:
  • for NUMBER type: "float", "double"
  • *
  • for INTEGER type: "int32", "int64"
  • *
  • for STRING type: "email", "byte", etc
  • *
*/ format?: string; /** Optional. The description of the property. */ description?: string; /** Optional. Whether the property is nullable. Defaults to false. */ nullable: boolean; /** Optional. The example of the property. */ example?: unknown; /** * Allows user to add other schema properties that have not yet * been officially added to the SDK. */ [key: string]: unknown; constructor(schemaParams: SchemaInterface); /* Excluded from this release type: toJSON */ static array(arrayParams: SchemaParams & { items: Schema; }): ArraySchema; static object(objectParams: SchemaParams & { properties: { [k: string]: Schema; }; optionalProperties?: string[]; }): ObjectSchema; static string(stringParams?: SchemaParams): StringSchema; static enumString(stringParams: SchemaParams & { enum: string[]; }): StringSchema; static integer(integerParams?: SchemaParams): IntegerSchema; static number(numberParams?: SchemaParams): NumberSchema; static boolean(booleanParams?: SchemaParams): BooleanSchema; } /** * Interface for {@link Schema} class. * @public */ export declare interface SchemaInterface extends SchemaShared { /** * The type of the property. {@link * SchemaType}. */ type: SchemaType; } /** * Params passed to {@link Schema} static methods to create specific * {@link Schema} classes. * @public */ export declare interface SchemaParams extends SchemaShared { } /** * Final format for {@link Schema} params passed to backend requests. * @public */ export declare interface SchemaRequest extends SchemaShared { /** * The type of the property. {@link * SchemaType}. */ type: SchemaType; /** Optional. Array of required property. */ required?: string[]; } /** * Basic {@link Schema} properties shared across several Schema-related * types. * @public */ export declare interface SchemaShared { /** Optional. The format of the property. */ format?: string; /** Optional. The description of the property. */ description?: string; /** Optional. The items of the property. */ items?: T; /** Optional. Map of `Schema` objects. */ properties?: { [k: string]: T; }; /** Optional. The enum of the property. */ enum?: string[]; /** Optional. The example of the property. */ example?: unknown; /** Optional. Whether the property is nullable. */ nullable?: boolean; [key: string]: unknown; } /** * @license * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Contains the list of OpenAPI data types * as defined by the * {@link https://swagger.io/docs/specification/data-models/data-types/ | OpenAPI specification} * @public */ export declare enum SchemaType { /** String type. */ STRING = "string", /** Number type. */ NUMBER = "number", /** Integer type. */ INTEGER = "integer", /** Boolean type. */ BOOLEAN = "boolean", /** Array type. */ ARRAY = "array", /** Object type. */ OBJECT = "object" } /** * @public */ export declare interface Segment { partIndex: number; startIndex: number; endIndex: number; } /** * Params for {@link GenerativeModel.startChat}. * @public */ export declare interface StartChatParams extends BaseParams { history?: Content[]; tools?: Tool[]; toolConfig?: ToolConfig; systemInstruction?: string | Part | Content; } /** * Schema class for "string" types. Can be used with or without * enum values. * @public */ export declare class StringSchema extends Schema { enum?: string[]; constructor(schemaParams?: SchemaParams, enumValues?: string[]); /* Excluded from this release type: toJSON */ } /** * Content part interface if the part represents a text string. * @public */ export declare interface TextPart { text: string; inlineData?: never; functionCall?: never; functionResponse?: never; } /** * Defines a tool that model can call to access external knowledge. * @public */ export declare type Tool = FunctionDeclarationsTool; /** * Tool config. This config is shared for all tools provided in the request. * @public */ export declare interface ToolConfig { functionCallingConfig?: FunctionCallingConfig; } /** * A type that includes all specific Schema types. * @public */ export declare type TypedSchema = IntegerSchema | NumberSchema | StringSchema | BooleanSchema | ObjectSchema | ArraySchema; /** * Usage metadata about a {@link GenerateContentResponse}. * * @public */ export declare interface UsageMetadata { promptTokenCount: number; candidatesTokenCount: number; totalTokenCount: number; } /** * An instance of the Vertex AI in Firebase SDK. * @public */ export declare interface VertexAI { /** * The {@link @firebase/app#FirebaseApp} this {@link VertexAI} instance is associated with. */ app: FirebaseApp; location: string; } /** * Error class for the Vertex AI in Firebase SDK. * * @public */ export declare class VertexAIError extends FirebaseError { readonly code: VertexAIErrorCode; readonly customErrorData?: CustomErrorData | undefined; /** * Constructs a new instance of the `VertexAIError` class. * * @param code - The error code from {@link VertexAIErrorCode}. * @param message - A human-readable message describing the error. * @param customErrorData - Optional error data. */ constructor(code: VertexAIErrorCode, message: string, customErrorData?: CustomErrorData | undefined); } /** * Standardized error codes that {@link VertexAIError} can have. * * @public */ export declare const enum VertexAIErrorCode { /** A generic error occurred. */ ERROR = "error", /** An error occurred in a request. */ REQUEST_ERROR = "request-error", /** An error occurred in a response. */ RESPONSE_ERROR = "response-error", /** An error occurred while performing a fetch. */ FETCH_ERROR = "fetch-error", /** An error associated with a Content object. */ INVALID_CONTENT = "invalid-content", /** An error due to the Firebase API not being enabled in the Console. */ API_NOT_ENABLED = "api-not-enabled", /** An error due to invalid Schema input. */ INVALID_SCHEMA = "invalid-schema", /** An error occurred due to a missing Firebase API key. */ NO_API_KEY = "no-api-key", /** An error occurred due to a model name not being specified during initialization. */ NO_MODEL = "no-model", /** An error occurred due to a missing project ID. */ NO_PROJECT_ID = "no-project-id", /** An error occurred while parsing. */ PARSE_FAILED = "parse-failed" } /** * Options when initializing the Vertex AI in Firebase SDK. * @public */ export declare interface VertexAIOptions { location?: string; } /** * Describes the input video content. * @public */ export declare interface VideoMetadata { /** * The start offset of the video in * protobuf {@link https://cloud.google.com/ruby/docs/reference/google-cloud-workflows-v1/latest/Google-Protobuf-Duration#json-mapping | Duration} format. */ startOffset: string; /** * The end offset of the video in * protobuf {@link https://cloud.google.com/ruby/docs/reference/google-cloud-workflows-v1/latest/Google-Protobuf-Duration#json-mapping | Duration} format. */ endOffset: string; } /** * @public */ export declare interface WebAttribution { uri: string; title: string; } export { }