import { r as registerAuth, i as initializeAuth, a as indexedDBLocalPersistence, c as connectAuthEmulator } from './register-77f1d56a.js'; export { Y as ActionCodeURL, m as AuthCredential, A as AuthErrorCodes, E as EmailAuthCredential, q as EmailAuthProvider, F as FacebookAuthProvider, t as GithubAuthProvider, G as GoogleAuthProvider, O as OAuthCredential, w as OAuthProvider, P as PhoneAuthCredential, S as SAMLAuthProvider, T as TotpMultiFactorGenerator, b as TotpSecret, x as TwitterAuthProvider, J as applyActionCode, e as beforeAuthStateChanged, K as checkActionCode, I as confirmPasswordReset, c as connectAuthEmulator, M as createUserWithEmailAndPassword, l as debugErrorMap, k as deleteUser, V as fetchSignInMethodsForEmail, a4 as getAdditionalUserInfo, a1 as getIdToken, a2 as getIdTokenResult, a6 as getMultiFactorResolver, n as inMemoryPersistence, a as indexedDBLocalPersistence, i as initializeAuth, d as initializeRecaptchaConfig, R as isSignInWithEmailLink, B as linkWithCredential, a7 as multiFactor, f as onAuthStateChanged, o as onIdTokenChanged, Z as parseActionCodeURL, p as prodErrorMap, C as reauthenticateWithCredential, a5 as reload, j as revokeAccessToken, W as sendEmailVerification, H as sendPasswordResetEmail, Q as sendSignInLinkToEmail, s as setPersistence, y as signInAnonymously, z as signInWithCredential, D as signInWithCustomToken, N as signInWithEmailAndPassword, U as signInWithEmailLink, h as signOut, a3 as unlink, g as updateCurrentUser, $ as updateEmail, a0 as updatePassword, _ as updateProfile, u as useDeviceLanguage, v as validatePassword, X as verifyBeforeUpdateEmail, L as verifyPasswordResetCode } from './register-77f1d56a.js'; import { _getProvider, getApp } from '@firebase/app'; import { getDefaultEmulatorHost } from '@firebase/util'; import 'tslib'; import '@firebase/component'; import '@firebase/logger'; /** * @license * Copyright 2023 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Returns the Auth instance associated with the provided {@link @firebase/app#FirebaseApp}. * If no instance exists, initializes an Auth instance with platform-specific default dependencies. * * @param app - The Firebase App. * * @public */ function getAuth(app = getApp()) { const provider = _getProvider(app, 'auth'); if (provider.isInitialized()) { return provider.getImmediate(); } const auth = initializeAuth(app, { persistence: [indexedDBLocalPersistence] }); const authEmulatorHost = getDefaultEmulatorHost('auth'); if (authEmulatorHost) { connectAuthEmulator(auth, `http://${authEmulatorHost}`); } return auth; } registerAuth("WebExtension" /* ClientPlatform.WEB_EXTENSION */); export { getAuth }; //#