/** * @license Angular v18.2.10 * (c) 2010-2024 Google LLC. https://angular.io/ * License: MIT */ import * as i0 from '@angular/core'; import { Compiler, ViewEncapsulation, Injector, createPlatformFactory, platformCore, COMPILER_OPTIONS, CompilerFactory, Injectable, PLATFORM_ID, Version } from '@angular/core'; import { CompilerConfig, ResourceLoader } from '@angular/compiler'; import { ɵPLATFORM_BROWSER_ID } from '@angular/common'; import { ɵINTERNAL_BROWSER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS } from '@angular/platform-browser'; const COMPILER_PROVIDERS = [ { provide: Compiler, useFactory: () => new Compiler() }, ]; /** * @publicApi * * @deprecated * Ivy JIT mode doesn't require accessing this symbol. */ class JitCompilerFactory { /** @internal */ constructor(defaultOptions) { const compilerOptions = { defaultEncapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated, }; this._defaultOptions = [compilerOptions, ...defaultOptions]; } createCompiler(options = []) { const opts = _mergeOptions(this._defaultOptions.concat(options)); const injector = Injector.create({ providers: [ COMPILER_PROVIDERS, { provide: CompilerConfig, useFactory: () => { return new CompilerConfig({ defaultEncapsulation: opts.defaultEncapsulation, preserveWhitespaces: opts.preserveWhitespaces, }); }, deps: [], }, opts.providers, ], }); return injector.get(Compiler); } } function _mergeOptions(optionsArr) { return { defaultEncapsulation: _lastDefined(optionsArr.map((options) => options.defaultEncapsulation)), providers: _mergeArrays(optionsArr.map((options) => options.providers)), preserveWhitespaces: _lastDefined(optionsArr.map((options) => options.preserveWhitespaces)), }; } function _lastDefined(args) { for (let i = args.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (args[i] !== undefined) { return args[i]; } } return undefined; } function _mergeArrays(parts) { const result = []; parts.forEach((part) => part && result.push(...part)); return result; } /** * A platform that included corePlatform and the compiler. * * @publicApi */ const platformCoreDynamic = createPlatformFactory(platformCore, 'coreDynamic', [ { provide: COMPILER_OPTIONS, useValue: {}, multi: true }, { provide: CompilerFactory, useClass: JitCompilerFactory, deps: [COMPILER_OPTIONS] }, ]); class ResourceLoaderImpl extends ResourceLoader { get(url) { let resolve; let reject; const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res; reject = rej; }); const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', url, true); xhr.responseType = 'text'; xhr.onload = function () { const response = xhr.response; let status = xhr.status; // fix status code when it is 0 (0 status is undocumented). // Occurs when accessing file resources or on Android 4.1 stock browser // while retrieving files from application cache. if (status === 0) { status = response ? 200 : 0; } if (200 <= status && status <= 300) { resolve(response); } else { reject(`Failed to load ${url}`); } }; xhr.onerror = function () { reject(`Failed to load ${url}`); }; xhr.send(); return promise; } static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "18.2.10", ngImport: i0, type: ResourceLoaderImpl, deps: null, target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Injectable }); } static { this.ɵprov = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjectable({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "18.2.10", ngImport: i0, type: ResourceLoaderImpl }); } } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "18.2.10", ngImport: i0, type: ResourceLoaderImpl, decorators: [{ type: Injectable }] }); /** * @publicApi */ const INTERNAL_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS = [ ɵINTERNAL_BROWSER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, { provide: COMPILER_OPTIONS, useValue: { providers: [{ provide: ResourceLoader, useClass: ResourceLoaderImpl, deps: [] }] }, multi: true, }, { provide: PLATFORM_ID, useValue: ɵPLATFORM_BROWSER_ID }, ]; /** * @module * @description * Entry point for all public APIs of the platform-browser-dynamic package. */ /** * @publicApi */ const VERSION = new Version('18.2.10'); /** * @publicApi */ const platformBrowserDynamic = createPlatformFactory(platformCoreDynamic, 'browserDynamic', INTERNAL_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS); /** * @module * @description * Entry point for all public APIs of this package. */ // This file only reexports content of the `src` folder. Keep it that way. // This file is not used to build this module. It is only used during editing /** * Generated bundle index. Do not edit. */ export { JitCompilerFactory, VERSION, platformBrowserDynamic, INTERNAL_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS as ɵINTERNAL_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, platformCoreDynamic as ɵplatformCoreDynamic }; //# sourceMappingURL=platform-browser-dynamic.mjs.map