# Upgrading to AngularFire 5.0 AngularFire 5.0 is a refactor of the `AngularFireDatabase` module. It removes the `FirebaseListObservable` and `FirebaseObjectObservable` in favor of a generic based service API. ## Updating `FirebaseListObservable` to `AngularFireList` Rather than `.list()` returning a `FirebaseListObservable`, it now returns an `AngularFireList`. This service contains methods that allow you to manipulate and stream data. In the case of streaming back data, you now call one of the observable methods on `AngularFireList`. ### 4.0 ```ts constructor(afDb: AngularFireDatabase) { afDb.list('items').subscribe(console.log); } ``` ### 5.0 ```ts constructor(afDb: AngularFireDatabase) { afDb.list('items').valueChanges().subscribe(console.log); } ``` The same concepts apply to `FirebaseObjectObservable` to `AngularFireObject`. ## Moving away from `$key` and `$value` In AngularFireDatabase 4.0 the snapshot was automatically unwrapped for you and metadata was placed in `$` property. The Firebase Database rejects any keys with `$` in them so this mechanism allowed us to provide you with important metadata alongside your actual data. However, persisting the object could be a pain in some cases as the SDK would reject any `$` based properties. In 5.0 we have moved away from `$` properties and we provide multiple observable methods for receiving the data. Calling `.valueChanges()` returns an Observable without any metadata. If you are already persisting the key as a property then you are fine. However, if you are relying on `$key`, then you need to use `.snapshotChanges()` and transform the data with an observable `.map()`. ### 4.0 ```ts constructor(afDb: AngularFireDatabase) { afDb.list('items').subscribe(items => { const allKeys = items.map(item => item.$key); }); } ``` ### 5.0 ```ts constructor(afDb: AngularFireDatabase) { afDb.list('items').snapshotChanges().pipe( map(actions => actions.map(a => ({ key: a.key, ...a.payload.val() })) ) ).subscribe(items => { return items.map(item => item.key); }); } ``` ## Data manipulation methods AngularFire 5.0 removes all custom observables which means their custom operators are gone as well. Instead of using custom operators on either a `FirebaseListObservable` or a `FirebaseObjectObservable`, use the methods on the service based APIs: `AngularFireList` and `AngularFireObject`. There is no resulting code change, but it worth pointing out. ### 4.0 ```ts constructor(afDb: AngularFireDatabase) { const listObservable = afDb.list('items'); listObservable.push({ name: 'item' }); listObservable.subscribe(); } ``` ### 5.0 ```ts constructor(afDb: AngularFireDatabase) { const afList = afDb.list('items'); afList.push({ name: 'item' }); const listObservable = afList.snapshotChanges(); listObservable.subscribe(); } ```