/** * @license Angular v18.2.10 * (c) 2010-2024 Google LLC. https://angular.io/ * License: MIT */ import { DestroyRef } from '@angular/core'; import { Injector } from '@angular/core'; import { MonoTypeOperatorFunction } from 'rxjs'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { OutputOptions } from '@angular/core'; import { OutputRef } from '@angular/core'; import { Signal } from '@angular/core'; import { Subscribable } from 'rxjs'; import { ValueEqualityFn } from '@angular/core/primitives/signals'; /** * Declares an Angular output that is using an RxJS observable as a source * for events dispatched to parent subscribers. * * The behavior for an observable as source is defined as followed: * 1. New values are forwarded to the Angular output (next notifications). * 2. Errors notifications are not handled by Angular. You need to handle these manually. * For example by using `catchError`. * 3. Completion notifications stop the output from emitting new values. * * @usageNotes * Initialize an output in your directive by declaring a * class field and initializing it with the `outputFromObservable()` function. * * ```ts * @Directive({..}) * export class MyDir { * nameChange$ = ; * nameChange = outputFromObservable(this.nameChange$); * } * ``` * * @developerPreview */ export declare function outputFromObservable(observable: Observable, opts?: OutputOptions): OutputRef; /** * Converts an Angular output declared via `output()` or `outputFromObservable()` * to an observable. * * You can subscribe to the output via `Observable.subscribe` then. * * @developerPreview */ export declare function outputToObservable(ref: OutputRef): Observable; /** * Operator which completes the Observable when the calling context (component, directive, service, * etc) is destroyed. * * @param destroyRef optionally, the `DestroyRef` representing the current context. This can be * passed explicitly to use `takeUntilDestroyed` outside of an [injection * context](guide/di/dependency-injection-context). Otherwise, the current `DestroyRef` is injected. * * @developerPreview */ export declare function takeUntilDestroyed(destroyRef?: DestroyRef): MonoTypeOperatorFunction; /** * Exposes the value of an Angular `Signal` as an RxJS `Observable`. * * The signal's value will be propagated into the `Observable`'s subscribers using an `effect`. * * `toObservable` must be called in an injection context unless an injector is provided via options. * * @developerPreview */ export declare function toObservable(source: Signal, options?: ToObservableOptions): Observable; /** * Options for `toObservable`. * * @developerPreview */ export declare interface ToObservableOptions { /** * The `Injector` to use when creating the underlying `effect` which watches the signal. * * If this isn't specified, the current [injection context](guide/di/dependency-injection-context) * will be used. */ injector?: Injector; } export declare function toSignal(source: Observable | Subscribable): Signal; export declare function toSignal(source: Observable | Subscribable, options: NoInfer> & { initialValue?: undefined; requireSync?: false; }): Signal; export declare function toSignal(source: Observable | Subscribable, options: NoInfer> & { initialValue?: null; requireSync?: false; }): Signal; export declare function toSignal(source: Observable | Subscribable, options: NoInfer> & { initialValue?: undefined; requireSync: true; }): Signal; export declare function toSignal(source: Observable | Subscribable, options: NoInfer> & { initialValue: U; requireSync?: false; }): Signal; /** * Options for `toSignal`. * * @publicApi */ export declare interface ToSignalOptions { /** * Initial value for the signal produced by `toSignal`. * * This will be the value of the signal until the observable emits its first value. */ initialValue?: unknown; /** * Whether to require that the observable emits synchronously when `toSignal` subscribes. * * If this is `true`, `toSignal` will assert that the observable produces a value immediately upon * subscription. Setting this option removes the need to either deal with `undefined` in the * signal type or provide an `initialValue`, at the cost of a runtime error if this requirement is * not met. */ requireSync?: boolean; /** * `Injector` which will provide the `DestroyRef` used to clean up the Observable subscription. * * If this is not provided, a `DestroyRef` will be retrieved from the current [injection * context](guide/di/dependency-injection-context), unless manual cleanup is requested. */ injector?: Injector; /** * Whether the subscription should be automatically cleaned up (via `DestroyRef`) when * `toSignal`'s creation context is destroyed. * * If manual cleanup is enabled, then `DestroyRef` is not used, and the subscription will persist * until the `Observable` itself completes. */ manualCleanup?: boolean; /** * Whether `toSignal` should throw errors from the Observable error channel back to RxJS, where * they'll be processed as uncaught exceptions. * * In practice, this means that the signal returned by `toSignal` will keep returning the last * good value forever, as Observables which error produce no further values. This option emulates * the behavior of the `async` pipe. */ rejectErrors?: boolean; /** * A comparison function which defines equality for values emitted by the observable. * * Equality comparisons are executed against the initial value if one is provided. */ equal?: ValueEqualityFn; } export { }