1112 lines
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1112 lines
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"use strict";
/*! *****************************************************************************
Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions
and limitations under the License.
***************************************************************************** */
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
// feature test for Symbol support
var supportsSymbol = typeof Symbol === "function";
var toPrimitiveSymbol = supportsSymbol && typeof Symbol.toPrimitive !== "undefined" ? Symbol.toPrimitive : fail("Symbol.toPrimitive not found.");
var iteratorSymbol = supportsSymbol && typeof Symbol.iterator !== "undefined" ? Symbol.iterator : fail("Symbol.iterator not found.");
// Load global or shim versions of Map, Set, and WeakMap
var functionPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(Function);
var _Map = typeof Map === "function" && typeof Map.prototype.entries === "function" ? Map : fail("A valid Map constructor could not be found.");
var _Set = typeof Set === "function" && typeof Set.prototype.entries === "function" ? Set : fail("A valid Set constructor could not be found.");
var _WeakMap = typeof WeakMap === "function" ? WeakMap : fail("A valid WeakMap constructor could not be found.");
var registrySymbol = supportsSymbol ? Symbol.for("@reflect-metadata:registry") : undefined;
var metadataRegistry = GetOrCreateMetadataRegistry();
var metadataProvider = CreateMetadataProvider(metadataRegistry);
* Applies a set of decorators to a property of a target object.
* @param decorators An array of decorators.
* @param target The target object.
* @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key to decorate.
* @param attributes (Optional) The property descriptor for the target key.
* @remarks Decorators are applied in reverse order.
* @example
* class Example {
* // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript:
* // static staticProperty;
* // property;
* constructor(p) { }
* static staticMethod(p) { }
* method(p) { }
* }
* // constructor
* Example = Reflect.decorate(decoratorsArray, Example);
* // property (on constructor)
* Reflect.decorate(decoratorsArray, Example, "staticProperty");
* // property (on prototype)
* Reflect.decorate(decoratorsArray, Example.prototype, "property");
* // method (on constructor)
* Object.defineProperty(Example, "staticMethod",
* Reflect.decorate(decoratorsArray, Example, "staticMethod",
* Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Example, "staticMethod")));
* // method (on prototype)
* Object.defineProperty(Example.prototype, "method",
* Reflect.decorate(decoratorsArray, Example.prototype, "method",
* Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Example.prototype, "method")));
function decorate(decorators, target, propertyKey, attributes) {
if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey)) {
if (!IsArray(decorators))
throw new TypeError();
if (!IsObject(target))
throw new TypeError();
if (!IsObject(attributes) && !IsUndefined(attributes) && !IsNull(attributes))
throw new TypeError();
if (IsNull(attributes))
attributes = undefined;
propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey);
return DecorateProperty(decorators, target, propertyKey, attributes);
else {
if (!IsArray(decorators))
throw new TypeError();
if (!IsConstructor(target))
throw new TypeError();
return DecorateConstructor(decorators, target);
exports.decorate = decorate;
// 4.1.2 Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue)
// https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#reflect.metadata
* A default metadata decorator factory that can be used on a class, class member, or parameter.
* @param metadataKey The key for the metadata entry.
* @param metadataValue The value for the metadata entry.
* @returns A decorator function.
* @remarks
* If `metadataKey` is already defined for the target and target key, the
* metadataValue for that key will be overwritten.
* @example
* // constructor
* @Reflect.metadata(key, value)
* class Example {
* }
* // property (on constructor, TypeScript only)
* class Example {
* @Reflect.metadata(key, value)
* static staticProperty;
* }
* // property (on prototype, TypeScript only)
* class Example {
* @Reflect.metadata(key, value)
* property;
* }
* // method (on constructor)
* class Example {
* @Reflect.metadata(key, value)
* static staticMethod() { }
* }
* // method (on prototype)
* class Example {
* @Reflect.metadata(key, value)
* method() { }
* }
function metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {
if (typeof Reflect !== "undefined" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function" && Reflect.metadata !== metadata) {
return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);
function decorator(target, propertyKey) {
if (!IsObject(target))
throw new TypeError();
if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey) && !IsPropertyKey(propertyKey))
throw new TypeError();
OrdinaryDefineOwnMetadata(metadataKey, metadataValue, target, propertyKey);
return decorator;
exports.metadata = metadata;
* Define a unique metadata entry on the target.
* @param metadataKey A key used to store and retrieve metadata.
* @param metadataValue A value that contains attached metadata.
* @param target The target object on which to define metadata.
* @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key for the target.
* @example
* class Example {
* // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript:
* // static staticProperty;
* // property;
* constructor(p) { }
* static staticMethod(p) { }
* method(p) { }
* }
* // constructor
* Reflect.defineMetadata("custom:annotation", options, Example);
* // property (on constructor)
* Reflect.defineMetadata("custom:annotation", options, Example, "staticProperty");
* // property (on prototype)
* Reflect.defineMetadata("custom:annotation", options, Example.prototype, "property");
* // method (on constructor)
* Reflect.defineMetadata("custom:annotation", options, Example, "staticMethod");
* // method (on prototype)
* Reflect.defineMetadata("custom:annotation", options, Example.prototype, "method");
* // decorator factory as metadata-producing annotation.
* function MyAnnotation(options): Decorator {
* return (target, key?) => Reflect.defineMetadata("custom:annotation", options, target, key);
* }
function defineMetadata(metadataKey, metadataValue, target, propertyKey) {
if (!IsObject(target))
throw new TypeError();
if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey))
propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey);
return OrdinaryDefineOwnMetadata(metadataKey, metadataValue, target, propertyKey);
exports.defineMetadata = defineMetadata;
* Gets a value indicating whether the target object or its prototype chain has the provided metadata key defined.
* @param metadataKey A key used to store and retrieve metadata.
* @param target The target object on which the metadata is defined.
* @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key for the target.
* @returns `true` if the metadata key was defined on the target object or its prototype chain; otherwise, `false`.
* @example
* class Example {
* // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript:
* // static staticProperty;
* // property;
* constructor(p) { }
* static staticMethod(p) { }
* method(p) { }
* }
* // constructor
* result = Reflect.hasMetadata("custom:annotation", Example);
* // property (on constructor)
* result = Reflect.hasMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticProperty");
* // property (on prototype)
* result = Reflect.hasMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "property");
* // method (on constructor)
* result = Reflect.hasMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticMethod");
* // method (on prototype)
* result = Reflect.hasMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "method");
function hasMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey) {
if (!IsObject(target))
throw new TypeError();
if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey))
propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey);
return OrdinaryHasMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey);
exports.hasMetadata = hasMetadata;
* Gets a value indicating whether the target object has the provided metadata key defined.
* @param metadataKey A key used to store and retrieve metadata.
* @param target The target object on which the metadata is defined.
* @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key for the target.
* @returns `true` if the metadata key was defined on the target object; otherwise, `false`.
* @example
* class Example {
* // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript:
* // static staticProperty;
* // property;
* constructor(p) { }
* static staticMethod(p) { }
* method(p) { }
* }
* // constructor
* result = Reflect.hasOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example);
* // property (on constructor)
* result = Reflect.hasOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticProperty");
* // property (on prototype)
* result = Reflect.hasOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "property");
* // method (on constructor)
* result = Reflect.hasOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticMethod");
* // method (on prototype)
* result = Reflect.hasOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "method");
function hasOwnMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey) {
if (!IsObject(target))
throw new TypeError();
if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey))
propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey);
return OrdinaryHasOwnMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey);
exports.hasOwnMetadata = hasOwnMetadata;
* Gets the metadata value for the provided metadata key on the target object or its prototype chain.
* @param metadataKey A key used to store and retrieve metadata.
* @param target The target object on which the metadata is defined.
* @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key for the target.
* @returns The metadata value for the metadata key if found; otherwise, `undefined`.
* @example
* class Example {
* // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript:
* // static staticProperty;
* // property;
* constructor(p) { }
* static staticMethod(p) { }
* method(p) { }
* }
* // constructor
* result = Reflect.getMetadata("custom:annotation", Example);
* // property (on constructor)
* result = Reflect.getMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticProperty");
* // property (on prototype)
* result = Reflect.getMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "property");
* // method (on constructor)
* result = Reflect.getMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticMethod");
* // method (on prototype)
* result = Reflect.getMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "method");
function getMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey) {
if (!IsObject(target))
throw new TypeError();
if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey))
propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey);
return OrdinaryGetMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey);
exports.getMetadata = getMetadata;
* Gets the metadata value for the provided metadata key on the target object.
* @param metadataKey A key used to store and retrieve metadata.
* @param target The target object on which the metadata is defined.
* @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key for the target.
* @returns The metadata value for the metadata key if found; otherwise, `undefined`.
* @example
* class Example {
* // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript:
* // static staticProperty;
* // property;
* constructor(p) { }
* static staticMethod(p) { }
* method(p) { }
* }
* // constructor
* result = Reflect.getOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example);
* // property (on constructor)
* result = Reflect.getOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticProperty");
* // property (on prototype)
* result = Reflect.getOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "property");
* // method (on constructor)
* result = Reflect.getOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticMethod");
* // method (on prototype)
* result = Reflect.getOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "method");
function getOwnMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey) {
if (!IsObject(target))
throw new TypeError();
if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey))
propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey);
return OrdinaryGetOwnMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey);
exports.getOwnMetadata = getOwnMetadata;
* Gets the metadata keys defined on the target object or its prototype chain.
* @param target The target object on which the metadata is defined.
* @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key for the target.
* @returns An array of unique metadata keys.
* @example
* class Example {
* // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript:
* // static staticProperty;
* // property;
* constructor(p) { }
* static staticMethod(p) { }
* method(p) { }
* }
* // constructor
* result = Reflect.getMetadataKeys(Example);
* // property (on constructor)
* result = Reflect.getMetadataKeys(Example, "staticProperty");
* // property (on prototype)
* result = Reflect.getMetadataKeys(Example.prototype, "property");
* // method (on constructor)
* result = Reflect.getMetadataKeys(Example, "staticMethod");
* // method (on prototype)
* result = Reflect.getMetadataKeys(Example.prototype, "method");
function getMetadataKeys(target, propertyKey) {
if (!IsObject(target))
throw new TypeError();
if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey))
propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey);
return OrdinaryMetadataKeys(target, propertyKey);
exports.getMetadataKeys = getMetadataKeys;
* Gets the unique metadata keys defined on the target object.
* @param target The target object on which the metadata is defined.
* @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key for the target.
* @returns An array of unique metadata keys.
* @example
* class Example {
* // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript:
* // static staticProperty;
* // property;
* constructor(p) { }
* static staticMethod(p) { }
* method(p) { }
* }
* // constructor
* result = Reflect.getOwnMetadataKeys(Example);
* // property (on constructor)
* result = Reflect.getOwnMetadataKeys(Example, "staticProperty");
* // property (on prototype)
* result = Reflect.getOwnMetadataKeys(Example.prototype, "property");
* // method (on constructor)
* result = Reflect.getOwnMetadataKeys(Example, "staticMethod");
* // method (on prototype)
* result = Reflect.getOwnMetadataKeys(Example.prototype, "method");
function getOwnMetadataKeys(target, propertyKey) {
if (!IsObject(target))
throw new TypeError();
if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey))
propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey);
return OrdinaryOwnMetadataKeys(target, propertyKey);
exports.getOwnMetadataKeys = getOwnMetadataKeys;
* Deletes the metadata entry from the target object with the provided key.
* @param metadataKey A key used to store and retrieve metadata.
* @param target The target object on which the metadata is defined.
* @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key for the target.
* @returns `true` if the metadata entry was found and deleted; otherwise, false.
* @example
* class Example {
* // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript:
* // static staticProperty;
* // property;
* constructor(p) { }
* static staticMethod(p) { }
* method(p) { }
* }
* // constructor
* result = Reflect.deleteMetadata("custom:annotation", Example);
* // property (on constructor)
* result = Reflect.deleteMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticProperty");
* // property (on prototype)
* result = Reflect.deleteMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "property");
* // method (on constructor)
* result = Reflect.deleteMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticMethod");
* // method (on prototype)
* result = Reflect.deleteMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "method");
function deleteMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey) {
if (!IsObject(target))
throw new TypeError();
if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey))
propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey);
var provider = GetMetadataProvider(target, propertyKey, /*Create*/ false);
if (IsUndefined(provider))
return false;
return provider.OrdinaryDeleteMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey);
exports.deleteMetadata = deleteMetadata;
function DecorateConstructor(decorators, target) {
for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var decorator = decorators[i];
var decorated = decorator(target);
if (!IsUndefined(decorated) && !IsNull(decorated)) {
if (!IsConstructor(decorated))
throw new TypeError();
target = decorated;
return target;
function DecorateProperty(decorators, target, propertyKey, descriptor) {
for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var decorator = decorators[i];
var decorated = decorator(target, propertyKey, descriptor);
if (!IsUndefined(decorated) && !IsNull(decorated)) {
if (!IsObject(decorated))
throw new TypeError();
descriptor = decorated;
return descriptor;
// OrdinaryHasMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P)
// https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinaryhasmetadata
function OrdinaryHasMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P) {
var hasOwn = OrdinaryHasOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P);
if (hasOwn)
return true;
var parent = OrdinaryGetPrototypeOf(O);
if (!IsNull(parent))
return OrdinaryHasMetadata(MetadataKey, parent, P);
return false;
// OrdinaryHasOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P)
// https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinaryhasownmetadata
function OrdinaryHasOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P) {
var provider = GetMetadataProvider(O, P, /*Create*/ false);
if (IsUndefined(provider))
return false;
return ToBoolean(provider.OrdinaryHasOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P));
// OrdinaryGetMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P)
// https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinarygetmetadata
function OrdinaryGetMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P) {
var hasOwn = OrdinaryHasOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P);
if (hasOwn)
return OrdinaryGetOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P);
var parent = OrdinaryGetPrototypeOf(O);
if (!IsNull(parent))
return OrdinaryGetMetadata(MetadataKey, parent, P);
return undefined;
// OrdinaryGetOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P)
// https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinarygetownmetadata
function OrdinaryGetOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P) {
var provider = GetMetadataProvider(O, P, /*Create*/ false);
if (IsUndefined(provider))
return provider.OrdinaryGetOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P);
// OrdinaryDefineOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, MetadataValue, O, P)
// https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinarydefineownmetadata
function OrdinaryDefineOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, MetadataValue, O, P) {
var provider = GetMetadataProvider(O, P, /*Create*/ true);
provider.OrdinaryDefineOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, MetadataValue, O, P);
// OrdinaryMetadataKeys(O, P)
// https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinarymetadatakeys
function OrdinaryMetadataKeys(O, P) {
var ownKeys = OrdinaryOwnMetadataKeys(O, P);
var parent = OrdinaryGetPrototypeOf(O);
if (parent === null)
return ownKeys;
var parentKeys = OrdinaryMetadataKeys(parent, P);
if (parentKeys.length <= 0)
return ownKeys;
if (ownKeys.length <= 0)
return parentKeys;
var set = new _Set();
var keys = [];
for (var _i = 0, ownKeys_1 = ownKeys; _i < ownKeys_1.length; _i++) {
var key = ownKeys_1[_i];
var hasKey = set.has(key);
if (!hasKey) {
for (var _a = 0, parentKeys_1 = parentKeys; _a < parentKeys_1.length; _a++) {
var key = parentKeys_1[_a];
var hasKey = set.has(key);
if (!hasKey) {
return keys;
// OrdinaryOwnMetadataKeys(O, P)
// https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinaryownmetadatakeys
function OrdinaryOwnMetadataKeys(O, P) {
var provider = GetMetadataProvider(O, P, /*create*/ false);
if (!provider) {
return [];
return provider.OrdinaryOwnMetadataKeys(O, P);
// 6 ECMAScript Data Types and Values
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ecmascript-data-types-and-values
function Type(x) {
if (x === null)
return 1 /* Null */;
switch (typeof x) {
case "undefined": return 0 /* Undefined */;
case "boolean": return 2 /* Boolean */;
case "string": return 3 /* String */;
case "symbol": return 4 /* Symbol */;
case "number": return 5 /* Number */;
case "object": return x === null ? 1 /* Null */ : 6 /* Object */;
default: return 6 /* Object */;
// 6.1.1 The Undefined Type
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ecmascript-language-types-undefined-type
function IsUndefined(x) {
return x === undefined;
// 6.1.2 The Null Type
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ecmascript-language-types-null-type
function IsNull(x) {
return x === null;
// 6.1.5 The Symbol Type
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ecmascript-language-types-symbol-type
function IsSymbol(x) {
return typeof x === "symbol";
// 6.1.7 The Object Type
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object-type
function IsObject(x) {
return typeof x === "object" ? x !== null : typeof x === "function";
// 7.1 Type Conversion
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-type-conversion
// 7.1.1 ToPrimitive(input [, PreferredType])
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-toprimitive
function ToPrimitive(input, PreferredType) {
switch (Type(input)) {
case 0 /* Undefined */: return input;
case 1 /* Null */: return input;
case 2 /* Boolean */: return input;
case 3 /* String */: return input;
case 4 /* Symbol */: return input;
case 5 /* Number */: return input;
var hint = PreferredType === 3 /* String */ ? "string" : PreferredType === 5 /* Number */ ? "number" : "default";
var exoticToPrim = GetMethod(input, toPrimitiveSymbol);
if (exoticToPrim !== undefined) {
var result = exoticToPrim.call(input, hint);
if (IsObject(result))
throw new TypeError();
return result;
return OrdinaryToPrimitive(input, hint === "default" ? "number" : hint);
// OrdinaryToPrimitive(O, hint)
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ordinarytoprimitive
function OrdinaryToPrimitive(O, hint) {
if (hint === "string") {
var toString_1 = O.toString;
if (IsCallable(toString_1)) {
var result = toString_1.call(O);
if (!IsObject(result))
return result;
var valueOf = O.valueOf;
if (IsCallable(valueOf)) {
var result = valueOf.call(O);
if (!IsObject(result))
return result;
else {
var valueOf = O.valueOf;
if (IsCallable(valueOf)) {
var result = valueOf.call(O);
if (!IsObject(result))
return result;
var toString_2 = O.toString;
if (IsCallable(toString_2)) {
var result = toString_2.call(O);
if (!IsObject(result))
return result;
throw new TypeError();
// 7.1.2 ToBoolean(argument)
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/2016/#sec-toboolean
function ToBoolean(argument) {
return !!argument;
// 7.1.12 ToString(argument)
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-tostring
function ToString(argument) {
return "" + argument;
// 7.1.14 ToPropertyKey(argument)
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-topropertykey
function ToPropertyKey(argument) {
var key = ToPrimitive(argument, 3 /* String */);
if (IsSymbol(key))
return key;
return ToString(key);
// 7.2 Testing and Comparison Operations
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-testing-and-comparison-operations
// 7.2.2 IsArray(argument)
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-isarray
function IsArray(argument) {
return Array.isArray
? Array.isArray(argument)
: argument instanceof Object
? argument instanceof Array
: Object.prototype.toString.call(argument) === "[object Array]";
// 7.2.3 IsCallable(argument)
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-iscallable
function IsCallable(argument) {
// NOTE: This is an approximation as we cannot check for [[Call]] internal method.
return typeof argument === "function";
// 7.2.4 IsConstructor(argument)
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-isconstructor
function IsConstructor(argument) {
// NOTE: This is an approximation as we cannot check for [[Construct]] internal method.
return typeof argument === "function";
// 7.2.7 IsPropertyKey(argument)
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ispropertykey
function IsPropertyKey(argument) {
switch (Type(argument)) {
case 3 /* String */: return true;
case 4 /* Symbol */: return true;
default: return false;
// 7.3 Operations on Objects
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-operations-on-objects
// 7.3.9 GetMethod(V, P)
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-getmethod
function GetMethod(V, P) {
var func = V[P];
if (func === undefined || func === null)
return undefined;
if (!IsCallable(func))
throw new TypeError();
return func;
// 7.4 Operations on Iterator Objects
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-operations-on-iterator-objects
function GetIterator(obj) {
var method = GetMethod(obj, iteratorSymbol);
if (!IsCallable(method))
throw new TypeError(); // from Call
var iterator = method.call(obj);
if (!IsObject(iterator))
throw new TypeError();
return iterator;
// 7.4.4 IteratorValue(iterResult)
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/2016/#sec-iteratorvalue
function IteratorValue(iterResult) {
return iterResult.value;
// 7.4.5 IteratorStep(iterator)
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-iteratorstep
function IteratorStep(iterator) {
var result = iterator.next();
return result.done ? false : result;
// 7.4.6 IteratorClose(iterator, completion)
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-iteratorclose
function IteratorClose(iterator) {
var f = iterator["return"];
if (f)
// 9.1 Ordinary Object Internal Methods and Internal Slots
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ordinary-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots
// OrdinaryGetPrototypeOf(O)
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ordinarygetprototypeof
function OrdinaryGetPrototypeOf(O) {
var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(O);
if (typeof O !== "function" || O === functionPrototype)
return proto;
// TypeScript doesn't set __proto__ in ES5, as it's non-standard.
// Try to determine the superclass constructor. Compatible implementations
// must either set __proto__ on a subclass constructor to the superclass constructor,
// or ensure each class has a valid `constructor` property on its prototype that
// points back to the constructor.
// If this is not the same as Function.[[Prototype]], then this is definately inherited.
// This is the case when in ES6 or when using __proto__ in a compatible browser.
if (proto !== functionPrototype)
return proto;
// If the super prototype is Object.prototype, null, or undefined, then we cannot determine the heritage.
var prototype = O.prototype;
var prototypeProto = prototype && Object.getPrototypeOf(prototype);
if (prototypeProto == null || prototypeProto === Object.prototype)
return proto;
// If the constructor was not a function, then we cannot determine the heritage.
var constructor = prototypeProto.constructor;
if (typeof constructor !== "function")
return proto;
// If we have some kind of self-reference, then we cannot determine the heritage.
if (constructor === O)
return proto;
// we have a pretty good guess at the heritage.
return constructor;
function fail(e) {
throw e;
// Global metadata registry
// - Allows `import "reflect-metadata"` and `import "reflect-metadata/no-conflict"` to interoperate.
// - Uses isolated metadata if `Reflect` is frozen before the registry can be installed.
* Creates a registry used to allow multiple `reflect-metadata` providers.
function CreateMetadataRegistry() {
var fallback;
if (!IsUndefined(registrySymbol) &&
typeof Reflect !== "undefined" &&
!(registrySymbol in Reflect) &&
typeof Reflect.defineMetadata === "function") {
// interoperate with older version of `reflect-metadata` that did not support a registry.
fallback = CreateFallbackProvider(Reflect);
var first;
var second;
var rest;
var targetProviderMap = new _WeakMap();
var registry = {
registerProvider: registerProvider,
getProvider: getProvider,
setProvider: setProvider,
return registry;
function registerProvider(provider) {
if (!Object.isExtensible(registry)) {
throw new Error("Cannot add provider to a frozen registry.");
switch (true) {
case fallback === provider: break;
case IsUndefined(first):
first = provider;
case first === provider: break;
case IsUndefined(second):
second = provider;
case second === provider: break;
if (rest === undefined)
rest = new _Set();
function getProviderNoCache(O, P) {
if (!IsUndefined(first)) {
if (first.isProviderFor(O, P))
return first;
if (!IsUndefined(second)) {
if (second.isProviderFor(O, P))
return first;
if (!IsUndefined(rest)) {
var iterator = GetIterator(rest);
while (true) {
var next = IteratorStep(iterator);
if (!next) {
return undefined;
var provider = IteratorValue(next);
if (provider.isProviderFor(O, P)) {
return provider;
if (!IsUndefined(fallback) && fallback.isProviderFor(O, P)) {
return fallback;
return undefined;
function getProvider(O, P) {
var providerMap = targetProviderMap.get(O);
var provider;
if (!IsUndefined(providerMap)) {
provider = providerMap.get(P);
if (!IsUndefined(provider)) {
return provider;
provider = getProviderNoCache(O, P);
if (!IsUndefined(provider)) {
if (IsUndefined(providerMap)) {
providerMap = new _Map();
targetProviderMap.set(O, providerMap);
providerMap.set(P, provider);
return provider;
function hasProvider(provider) {
if (IsUndefined(provider))
throw new TypeError();
return fallback === provider || first === provider || second === provider || !IsUndefined(rest) && rest.has(provider);
function setProvider(O, P, provider) {
if (!hasProvider(provider)) {
throw new Error("Metadata provider not registered.");
var existingProvider = getProvider(O, P);
if (existingProvider !== provider) {
if (!IsUndefined(existingProvider)) {
return false;
var providerMap = targetProviderMap.get(O);
if (IsUndefined(providerMap)) {
providerMap = new _Map();
targetProviderMap.set(O, providerMap);
providerMap.set(P, provider);
return true;
* Gets or creates the shared registry of metadata providers.
function GetOrCreateMetadataRegistry() {
var metadataRegistry;
if (!IsUndefined(registrySymbol) && IsObject(Reflect) && Object.isExtensible(Reflect)) {
metadataRegistry = Reflect[registrySymbol];
if (IsUndefined(metadataRegistry)) {
metadataRegistry = CreateMetadataRegistry();
if (!IsUndefined(registrySymbol) && IsObject(Reflect) && Object.isExtensible(Reflect)) {
Object.defineProperty(Reflect, registrySymbol, {
enumerable: false,
configurable: false,
writable: false,
value: metadataRegistry
return metadataRegistry;
function CreateMetadataProvider(registry) {
// [[Metadata]] internal slot
// https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinary-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots
var metadata = new _WeakMap();
var provider = {
isProviderFor: function (O, P) {
var targetMetadata = metadata.get(O);
if (IsUndefined(targetMetadata))
return false;
return targetMetadata.has(P);
OrdinaryDefineOwnMetadata: OrdinaryDefineOwnMetadata,
OrdinaryHasOwnMetadata: OrdinaryHasOwnMetadata,
OrdinaryGetOwnMetadata: OrdinaryGetOwnMetadata,
OrdinaryOwnMetadataKeys: OrdinaryOwnMetadataKeys,
OrdinaryDeleteMetadata: OrdinaryDeleteMetadata,
return provider;
function GetOrCreateMetadataMap(O, P, Create) {
var targetMetadata = metadata.get(O);
var createdTargetMetadata = false;
if (IsUndefined(targetMetadata)) {
if (!Create)
return undefined;
targetMetadata = new _Map();
metadata.set(O, targetMetadata);
createdTargetMetadata = true;
var metadataMap = targetMetadata.get(P);
if (IsUndefined(metadataMap)) {
if (!Create)
return undefined;
metadataMap = new _Map();
targetMetadata.set(P, metadataMap);
if (!registry.setProvider(O, P, provider)) {
if (createdTargetMetadata) {
throw new Error("Wrong provider for target.");
return metadataMap;
// OrdinaryHasOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P)
// https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinaryhasownmetadata
function OrdinaryHasOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P) {
var metadataMap = GetOrCreateMetadataMap(O, P, /*Create*/ false);
if (IsUndefined(metadataMap))
return false;
return ToBoolean(metadataMap.has(MetadataKey));
// OrdinaryGetOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P)
// https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinarygetownmetadata
function OrdinaryGetOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P) {
var metadataMap = GetOrCreateMetadataMap(O, P, /*Create*/ false);
if (IsUndefined(metadataMap))
return undefined;
return metadataMap.get(MetadataKey);
// OrdinaryDefineOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, MetadataValue, O, P)
// https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinarydefineownmetadata
function OrdinaryDefineOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, MetadataValue, O, P) {
var metadataMap = GetOrCreateMetadataMap(O, P, /*Create*/ true);
metadataMap.set(MetadataKey, MetadataValue);
// OrdinaryOwnMetadataKeys(O, P)
// https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinaryownmetadatakeys
function OrdinaryOwnMetadataKeys(O, P) {
var keys = [];
var metadataMap = GetOrCreateMetadataMap(O, P, /*Create*/ false);
if (IsUndefined(metadataMap))
return keys;
var keysObj = metadataMap.keys();
var iterator = GetIterator(keysObj);
var k = 0;
while (true) {
var next = IteratorStep(iterator);
if (!next) {
keys.length = k;
return keys;
var nextValue = IteratorValue(next);
try {
keys[k] = nextValue;
catch (e) {
try {
finally {
throw e;
function OrdinaryDeleteMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P) {
var metadataMap = GetOrCreateMetadataMap(O, P, /*Create*/ false);
if (IsUndefined(metadataMap))
return false;
if (!metadataMap.delete(MetadataKey))
return false;
if (metadataMap.size === 0) {
var targetMetadata = metadata.get(O);
if (!IsUndefined(targetMetadata)) {
if (targetMetadata.size === 0) {
return true;
function CreateFallbackProvider(reflect) {
var defineMetadata = reflect.defineMetadata, hasOwnMetadata = reflect.hasOwnMetadata, getOwnMetadata = reflect.getOwnMetadata, getOwnMetadataKeys = reflect.getOwnMetadataKeys, deleteMetadata = reflect.deleteMetadata;
var metadataOwner = new _WeakMap();
var provider = {
isProviderFor: function (O, P) {
var metadataPropertySet = metadataOwner.get(O);
if (!IsUndefined(metadataPropertySet) && metadataPropertySet.has(P)) {
return true;
if (getOwnMetadataKeys(O, P).length) {
if (IsUndefined(metadataPropertySet)) {
metadataPropertySet = new _Set();
metadataOwner.set(O, metadataPropertySet);
return true;
return false;
OrdinaryDefineOwnMetadata: defineMetadata,
OrdinaryHasOwnMetadata: hasOwnMetadata,
OrdinaryGetOwnMetadata: getOwnMetadata,
OrdinaryOwnMetadataKeys: getOwnMetadataKeys,
OrdinaryDeleteMetadata: deleteMetadata,
return provider;
* Gets the metadata provider for an object. If the object has no metadata provider and this is for a create operation,
* then this module's metadata provider is assigned to the object.
function GetMetadataProvider(O, P, Create) {
var registeredProvider = metadataRegistry.getProvider(O, P);
if (!IsUndefined(registeredProvider)) {
return registeredProvider;
if (Create) {
if (metadataRegistry.setProvider(O, P, metadataProvider)) {
return metadataProvider;
throw new Error("Illegal state.");
return undefined;