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2024-11-03 21:30:09 -05:00
const url = require('url')
const { Agent: httpAgent } = require('http')
const { Agent: httpsAgent } = require('https')
const httpProxy = require('http-proxy')
const _ = require('lodash')
const { lookup } = require('../utils/dns-utils')
const log = require('../logger').create('proxy')
function parseProxyConfig (proxies, config) {
proxies = proxies || []
return _.sortBy(_.map(proxies, function (proxyConfiguration, proxyPath) {
if (typeof proxyConfiguration === 'string') {
proxyConfiguration = { target: proxyConfiguration }
let proxyUrl = proxyConfiguration.target
// eslint-disable-next-line node/no-deprecated-api
const proxyDetails = url.parse(proxyUrl)
let pathname = proxyDetails.pathname
if (proxyPath.endsWith('/') && !proxyUrl.endsWith('/')) {
log.warn(`proxy "${proxyUrl}" normalized to "${proxyUrl}/"`)
proxyUrl += '/'
pathname += '/'
if (!proxyPath.endsWith('/') && proxyUrl.endsWith('/')) {
log.warn(`proxy "${proxyPath}" normalized to "${proxyPath}/"`)
proxyPath += '/'
if (pathname === '/' && !proxyUrl.endsWith('/')) {
pathname = ''
const hostname = proxyDetails.hostname || config.hostname
const protocol = proxyDetails.protocol || config.protocol
const defaultPorts = {
'http:': '80',
'https:': '443'
const port = proxyDetails.port || defaultPorts[proxyDetails.protocol] || config.port
const changeOrigin = proxyConfiguration.changeOrigin || false
const Agent = protocol === 'https:' ? httpsAgent : httpAgent
const agent = new Agent({
keepAlive: true,
const proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({
target: { host: hostname, port, protocol },
xfwd: true,
changeOrigin: changeOrigin,
secure: config.proxyValidateSSL,
;['proxyReq', 'proxyRes'].forEach(function (name) {
const callback = proxyDetails[name] || config[name]
if (callback) {
proxy.on(name, callback)
proxy.on('error', function proxyError (err, req, res) {
if (err.code === 'ECONNRESET' && req.socket.destroyed) {
log.debug(`failed to proxy ${req.url} (browser hung up the socket)`)
} else {
log.warn(`failed to proxy ${req.url} (${err.message})`)
return { path: proxyPath, baseUrl: pathname, host: hostname, port, proxy, agent }
}), 'path').reverse()
* Returns a handler which understands the proxies and its redirects, along with the proxy to use
* @param proxies An array of proxy record objects
* @param urlRoot The URL root that karma is mounted on
* @return {Function} handler function
function createProxyHandler (proxies, urlRoot) {
if (!proxies.length) {
const nullProxy = (request, response, next) => next()
nullProxy.upgrade = () => {}
return nullProxy
function createProxy (request, response, next) {
const proxyRecord = proxies.find((p) => request.url.startsWith(p.path))
if (proxyRecord) {
log.debug(`proxying request - ${request.url} to ${proxyRecord.host}:${proxyRecord.port}`)
request.url = request.url.replace(proxyRecord.path, proxyRecord.baseUrl)
proxyRecord.proxy.web(request, response)
} else {
return next()
createProxy.upgrade = function (request, socket, head) {
// special-case karma's route to avoid upgrading it
if (request.url.startsWith(urlRoot)) {
log.debug(`NOT upgrading proxyWebSocketRequest ${request.url}`)
const proxyRecord = proxies.find((p) => request.url.startsWith(p.path))
if (proxyRecord) {
log.debug(`upgrade proxyWebSocketRequest ${request.url} to ${proxyRecord.host}:${proxyRecord.port}`)
request.url = request.url.replace(proxyRecord.path, proxyRecord.baseUrl)
proxyRecord.proxy.ws(request, socket, head)
return createProxy
exports.create = function (/* config */config, /* config.proxies */proxies, /* emitter */emitter) {
const proxyRecords = parseProxyConfig(proxies, config)
emitter.on('exit', (done) => {
log.debug('Destroying proxy agents')
proxyRecords.forEach((proxyRecord) => {
return createProxyHandler(proxyRecords, config.urlRoot)