Updated the sql database.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 68 additions and 73 deletions
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
-- https://www.phpmyadmin.net/
-- Host: localhost
-- Generation Time: Jun 10, 2024 at 04:58 AM
-- Generation Time: Jul 09, 2024 at 12:24 AM
-- Server version: 10.4.32-MariaDB
-- PHP Version: 8.1.25
@ -94,8 +94,7 @@ INSERT INTO `cart` (`id`, `p_id`, `ip_add`, `user_id`, `qty`) VALUES
(1, 72, '::1', 1, 1),
(2, 1, '::1', 1, 4),
(3, 8, '::1', 1, 3),
(4, 71, '', 0, 1),
(5, 1, '', 0, 1);
(4, 71, '', 0, 1);
-- --------------------------------------------------------
@ -250,77 +249,73 @@ CREATE TABLE `products` (
INSERT INTO `products` (`product_id`, `product_cat`, `product_brand`, `product_title`, `product_price`, `product_desc`, `product_image`, `product_keywords`) VALUES
(1, 1, 2, 'Samsung galaxy s7 edge', 5000, 'Samsung galaxy s7 edge', 'product07.png', 'samsung mobile electronics'),
(2, 1, 3, 'iPhone 5s', 25000, 'iphone 5s', 'http___pluspng.com_img-png_iphone-hd-png-iphone-apple-png-file-550.png', 'mobile iphone apple'),
(3, 1, 3, 'iPad air 2', 30000, 'ipad apple brand', 'da4371ffa192a115f922b1c0dff88193.png', 'apple ipad tablet'),
(4, 1, 3, 'iPhone 6s', 32000, 'Apple iPhone ', 'http___pluspng.com_img-png_iphone-6s-png-iphone-6s-gold-64gb-1000.png', 'iphone apple mobile'),
(5, 1, 2, 'iPad 2', 10000, 'samsung ipad', 'iPad-air.png', 'ipad tablet samsung'),
(6, 1, 1, 'samsung Laptop r series', 35000, 'samsung Black combination Laptop', 'laptop_PNG5939.png', 'samsung laptop '),
(7, 1, 1, 'Laptop Pavillion', 50000, 'Laptop Hp Pavillion', 'laptop_PNG5930.png', 'Laptop Hp Pavillion'),
(8, 1, 4, 'Sony', 40000, 'Sony Mobile', '530201353846AM_635_sony_xperia_z.png', 'sony mobile'),
(9, 1, 3, 'iPhone New', 12000, 'iphone', 'iphone-hd-png-iphone-apple-png-file-550.png', 'iphone apple mobile'),
(10, 2, 6, 'Red Ladies dress', 1000, 'red dress for girls', 'red dress.jpg', 'red dress '),
(11, 2, 6, 'Blue Heave dress', 1200, 'Blue dress', 'images.jpg', 'blue dress cloths'),
(12, 2, 6, 'Ladies Casual Cloths', 1500, 'ladies casual summer two colors pleted', '7475-ladies-casual-dresses-summer-two-colors-pleated.jpg', 'girl dress cloths casual'),
(13, 2, 6, 'SpringAutumnDress', 1200, 'girls dress', 'Spring-Autumn-Winter-Young-Ladies-Casual-Wool-Dress-Women-s-One-Piece-Dresse-Dating-Clothes-Medium.jpg_640x640.jpg', 'girl dress'),
(14, 2, 6, 'Casual Dress', 1400, 'girl dress', 'download.jpg', 'ladies cloths girl'),
(15, 2, 6, 'Formal Look', 1500, 'girl dress', 'shutterstock_203611819.jpg', 'ladies wears dress girl'),
(16, 3, 6, 'Sweter for men', 600, '2012-Winter-Sweater-for-Men-for-better-outlook', '2012-Winter-Sweater-for-Men-for-better-outlook.jpg', 'black sweter cloth winter'),
(17, 3, 6, 'Gents formal', 1000, 'gents formal look', 'gents-formal-250x250.jpg', 'gents wear cloths'),
(19, 3, 6, 'Formal Coat', 3000, 'ad', 'images (1).jpg', 'coat blazer gents'),
(20, 3, 6, 'Mens Sweeter', 1600, 'jg', 'Winter-fashion-men-burst-sweater.png', 'sweeter gents '),
(21, 3, 6, 'T shirt', 800, 'ssds', 'IN-Mens-Apparel-Voodoo-Tiles-09._V333872612_.jpg', 'formal t shirt black'),
(22, 4, 6, 'Yellow T shirt ', 1300, 'yello t shirt with pant', '1.0x0.jpg', 'kids yellow t shirt'),
(23, 4, 6, 'Girls cloths', 1900, 'sadsf', 'GirlsClothing_Widgets.jpg', 'formal kids wear dress'),
(24, 4, 6, 'Blue T shirt', 700, 'g', 'images.jpg', 'kids dress'),
(25, 4, 6, 'Yellow girls dress', 750, 'as', 'images (3).jpg', 'yellow kids dress'),
(1, 1, 2, 'Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge', 243, 'Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge', 'product07.png', 'samsung mobile electronics'),
(2, 1, 3, 'Apple iPhone 5S', 368, 'Apple iPhone 5S', 'http___pluspng.com_img-png_iphone-hd-png-iphone-apple-png-file-550.png', 'mobile iphone apple'),
(3, 1, 3, 'Apple iPad Air 2', 245, 'Apple iPad Air 2', 'da4371ffa192a115f922b1c0dff88193.png', 'apple ipad tablet'),
(4, 1, 3, 'Apple iPhone 6s', 203, 'Apple iPhone 6s', 'http___pluspng.com_img-png_iphone-6s-png-iphone-6s-gold-64gb-1000.png', 'iphone apple mobile'),
(5, 1, 2, 'Apple iPad 2', 54, 'Apple iPad 2', 'iPad-air.png', 'ipad tablet samsung'),
(6, 1, 1, 'Samsung R580', 165, 'Samsung R580', 'laptop_PNG5939.png', 'samsung laptop '),
(7, 1, 1, 'HP Pavillion', 598, 'HP Pavillion', 'laptop_PNG5930.png', 'Laptop Hp Pavillion'),
(8, 1, 4, 'Sony Ericsson w995', 221, 'Sony Ericsson w995', '530201353846AM_635_sony_xperia_z.png', 'sony mobile'),
(9, 1, 3, 'Apple iPhone SE 3. Gen', 523, 'Apple iPhone SE 3. Gen', 'iphone-hd-png-iphone-apple-png-file-550.png', 'iphone apple mobile'),
(10, 2, 6, 'Red Ladies\' Dress', 26, 'Red Ladies\' Dress', 'red dress.jpg', 'red dress '),
(11, 2, 6, 'Blue Heaven Dress', 20, 'Blue Heaven Dress', 'images.jpg', 'blue dress cloths'),
(12, 2, 6, 'Ladies\' Casual Dress', 8, 'Ladies\' Casual Dress', '7475-ladies-casual-dresses-summer-two-colors-pleated.jpg', 'girl dress clothes casual'),
(13, 2, 6, 'Spring Autumn Dress', 37, 'Spring Autumn Dress', 'Spring-Autumn-Winter-Young-Ladies-Casual-Wool-Dress-Women-s-One-Piece-Dresse-Dating-Clothes-Medium.jpg_640x640.jpg', 'girl dress'),
(14, 2, 6, 'Casual Dress', 39, 'Casual Dress', 'download.jpg', 'ladies cloths girl'),
(15, 2, 6, 'Formal Girl\'s Dress', 57, 'Formal Girl\'s Dress', 'shutterstock_203611819.jpg', 'ladies wears dress girl'),
(16, 3, 6, 'Sweater for Men', 60, '2012-Winter-Sweater-for-Men-for-better-outlook', '2012-Winter-Sweater-for-Men-for-better-outlook.jpg', 'black sweter cloth winter'),
(17, 3, 6, 'Gents´ Formal Shirt', 100, 'Gents´ Formal Shirt', 'gents-formal-250x250.jpg', 'gents wear cloths'),
(18, 4, 6, 'Kids´ Blue Shirt', 30, 'Kids´ Blue Shirt', '1543993724_pg4.jpg', 'kids blue dress'),
(19, 3, 6, 'Formal Coat', 300, 'Formal Coat', 'images (1).jpg', 'coat blazer gents'),
(20, 3, 6, 'Mens´ Sweater', 160, 'Sweater', 'Winter-fashion-men-burst-sweater.png', 'sweeter gents '),
(21, 3, 6, 'T-Shirt', 80, 'T-Shirt', 'IN-Mens-Apparel-Voodoo-Tiles-09._V333872612_.jpg', 'formal t shirt black'),
(22, 4, 6, 'Yellow T-Shirt ', 130, 'Yellow T-Shirt', '1.0x0.jpg', 'kids yellow t shirt'),
(23, 4, 6, 'Girls\' Dress', 190, 'Girls\' Dress', 'GirlsClothing_Widgets.jpg', 'formal kids wear dress'),
(24, 4, 6, 'Blue T-Shirt', 70, 'Blue T-Shirt', 'images.jpg', 'kids dress'),
(25, 4, 6, 'Yellow Girls\' Dress', 75, 'Girls\' Dress', 'images (3).jpg', 'yellow kids dress'),
(26, 1, 2, 'HD Digital Camera 16', 30, 'HD Digital Camera 16', 'product09.png', 'camera with 3D pixels camera electronics'),
(27, 4, 6, 'Formal look', 690, 'sd', 'image28.jpg', 'formal kids dress'),
(32, 5, 0, 'Book Shelf', 2500, 'book shelf', 'furniture-book-shelf-250x250.jpg', 'book shelf furniture'),
(33, 6, 2, 'Refrigerator', 35000, 'Refrigerator', 'CT_WM_BTS-BTC-AppliancesHome_20150723.jpg', 'refrigerator samsung'),
(34, 6, 4, 'Emergency Light', 1000, 'Emergency Light', 'emergency light.JPG', 'emergency light'),
(35, 6, 0, 'Vaccum Cleaner', 6000, 'Vaccum Cleaner', 'images (2).jpg', 'Vaccum Cleaner'),
(36, 6, 5, 'Iron', 1500, 'gj', 'iron.JPG', 'iron'),
(37, 6, 5, 'LED TV', 20000, 'LED TV', 'images (4).jpg', 'led tv lg'),
(38, 6, 4, 'Microwave Oven', 3500, 'Microwave Oven', 'images.jpg', 'Microwave Oven'),
(39, 6, 5, 'Mixer Grinder', 2500, 'Mixer Grinder', 'singer-mixer-grinder-mg-46-medium_4bfa018096c25dec7ba0af40662856ef.jpg', 'Mixer Grinder'),
(40, 2, 6, 'Formal girls dress', 3000, 'Formal girls dress', 'girl-walking.jpg', 'ladies'),
(45, 1, 2, 'Samsung Galaxy Note 3', 10000, '0', 'samsung_galaxy_note3_note3neo.JPG', 'samsung galaxy Note 3 neo'),
(46, 1, 2, 'Samsung Galaxy Note 3', 10000, '', 'samsung_galaxy_note3_note3neo.JPG', 'samsung galxaxy note 3 neo'),
(47, 4, 6, 'Laptop', 650, 'nbk', 'product01.png', 'Dell Laptop'),
(48, 1, 7, 'Headphones', 250, 'Headphones', 'product05.png', 'Headphones Sony'),
(49, 1, 7, 'Headphones', 250, 'Headphones', 'product05.png', 'Headphones Sony'),
(50, 3, 6, 'boys shirts', 350, 'shirts', 'pm1.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(51, 3, 6, 'boys shirts', 270, 'shirts', 'pm2.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(52, 3, 6, 'boys shirts', 453, 'shirts', 'pm3.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(53, 3, 6, 'boys shirts', 220, 'shirts', 'ms1.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(54, 3, 6, 'boys shirts', 290, 'shirts', 'ms2.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(55, 3, 6, 'boys shirts', 259, 'shirts', 'ms3.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(56, 3, 6, 'boys shirts', 299, 'shirts', 'pm7.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(57, 3, 6, 'boys shirts', 260, 'shirts', 'i3.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(58, 3, 6, 'boys shirts', 350, 'shirts', 'pm9.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(59, 3, 6, 'boys shirts', 855, 'shirts', 'a2.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(60, 3, 6, 'boys shirts', 150, 'shirts', 'pm11.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(61, 3, 6, 'boys shirts', 215, 'shirts', 'pm12.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(62, 3, 6, 'boys shirts', 299, 'shirts', 'pm13.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(63, 3, 6, 'boys Jeans Pant', 550, 'Pants', 'pt1.JPG', 'boys Jeans Pant'),
(64, 3, 6, 'boys Jeans Pant', 460, 'pants', 'pt2.JPG', 'boys Jeans Pant'),
(65, 3, 6, 'boys Jeans Pant', 470, 'pants', 'pt3.JPG', 'boys Jeans Pant'),
(66, 3, 6, 'boys Jeans Pant', 480, 'pants', 'pt4.JPG', 'boys Jeans Pant'),
(67, 3, 6, 'boys Jeans Pant', 360, 'pants', 'pt5.JPG', 'boys Jeans Pant'),
(68, 3, 6, 'boys Jeans Pant', 550, 'pants', 'pt6.JPG', 'boys Jeans Pant'),
(69, 3, 6, 'boys Jeans Pant', 390, 'pants', 'pt7.JPG', 'boys Jeans Pant'),
(70, 3, 6, 'boys Jeans Pant', 399, 'pants', 'pt8.JPG', 'boys Jeans Pant'),
(71, 1, 2, 'Samsung galaxy s7', 5000, 'Samsung galaxy s7', 'product07.png', 'samsung mobile electronics'),
(72, 1, 2, 'sony Headphones', 3500, 'sony Headphones', 'product02.png', 'sony Headphones electronics'),
(73, 1, 2, 'samsung Headphones', 3500, 'samsung Headphones', 'product05.png', 'samsung Headphones electronics'),
(74, 1, 1, 'HP i5 laptop', 5500, 'HP i5 laptop', 'product01.png', 'HP i5 laptop electronics'),
(75, 1, 1, 'HP i7 laptop 8gb ram', 5500, 'HP i7 laptop 8gb ram', 'product03.png', 'HP i7 laptop 8gb ram electronics'),
(76, 1, 5, 'sony note 6gb ram', 4500, 'sony note 6gb ram', 'product04.png', 'sony note 6gb ram mobile electronics'),
(77, 1, 4, 'MSV laptop 16gb ram NVIDEA Graphics', 5499, 'MSV laptop 16gb ram', 'product06.png', 'MSV laptop 16gb ram NVIDEA Graphics electronics'),
(78, 1, 5, 'dell laptop 8gb ram intel integerated Graphics', 4579, 'dell laptop 8gb ram intel integerated Graphics', 'product08.png', 'dell laptop 8gb ram intel integerated Graphics electronics'),
(79, 1, 2, 'camera with 3D pixels', 2569, 'camera with 3D pixels', 'product09.png', 'camera with 3D pixels camera electronics'),
(80, 1, 1, 'ytrfdkjsd', 12343, 'sdfhgh', '1542455446_thythtf .jpeg', 'dfgh'),
(81, 4, 6, 'Kids blue dress', 300, 'blue dress', '1543993724_pg4.jpg', 'kids blue dress');
(28, 1, 5, 'Dell Inspiron 15 15.6\" FHD Touchscreen', 572, 'Dell Inspiron 15 15.6\" FHD Touchscreen', 'product08.png', 'dell laptop 8gb ram intel integerated Graphics electronics'),
(29, 1, 4, '2020 MSI Prestige 14 A11SCX-090', 816, '2020 MSI Prestige 14 A11SCX-090', 'product06.png', 'msi laptop 16gb ram nvidia Graphics electronics'),
(30, 1, 5, 'Samsung Galaxy Tab S9', 890, 'Samsung Galaxy Tab S9', 'product04.png', 'sony note 6gb ram mobile electronics'),
(31, 1, 1, 'HP Elitebook 840 G3', 313, 'HP Elitebook 840 G3', 'product03.png', 'HP i7 laptop 8gb ram electronics'),
(32, 5, 0, 'Bookshelf', 67, 'Bookshelf', 'furniture-book-shelf-250x250.jpg', 'bookshelf furniture'),
(33, 6, 2, 'Refrigerator', 199, 'Refrigerator', 'CT_WM_BTS-BTC-AppliancesHome_20150723.jpg', 'refrigerator samsung'),
(34, 6, 4, 'Emergency Light', 30, 'Emergency Light', 'emergency light.JPG', 'emergency light'),
(35, 6, 0, 'Vaccum Cleaner', 100, 'Vaccum Cleaner', 'images (2).jpg', 'Vaccum Cleaner'),
(36, 6, 5, 'Iron', 23, 'Iron', 'iron.JPG', 'iron'),
(37, 6, 5, 'LED TV', 360, 'LED TV', 'images (4).jpg', 'led tv lg'),
(38, 6, 4, 'Microwave Oven', 140, 'Microwave Oven', 'images.jpg', 'Microwave Oven'),
(39, 6, 5, 'Mixer Grinder', 70, 'Mixer Grinder', 'singer-mixer-grinder-mg-46-medium_4bfa018096c25dec7ba0af40662856ef.jpg', 'Mixer Grinder'),
(40, 2, 6, 'Street Girl\'s Dress', 50, 'Street Girl\'s Dress', 'girl-walking.jpg', 'ladies'),
(41, 1, 1, 'HP EliteBook 2560p i5-2520m', 176, 'HP EliteBook 2560p i5-2520m', 'product01.png', 'HP i5 laptop electronics'),
(42, 1, 2, 'Zihnic Bluetooth Headphones', 35, 'Zihnic Bluetooth Headphones', 'product05.png', 'zihnic Headphones electronics'),
(43, 1, 2, 'Sony WH-1000XM5', 33, 'Sony WH-1000XM5', 'product02.png', 'sony Headphones electronics'),
(44, 1, 2, 'Samsung Galaxy s7', 226, 'Samsung Galaxy s7', 'product07.png', 'samsung mobile electronics'),
(45, 1, 2, 'Samsung Galaxy Note 3', 136, 'Samsung Galaxy Note 3', 'samsung_galaxy_note3_note3neo.JPG', 'samsung galaxy Note 3 neo'),
(46, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Jeans', 39, 'Boys\' Jeans', 'pt8.JPG', 'boys jeans pant'),
(47, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Jeans', 55, 'Boys\' Jeans', 'pt6.JPG', 'boys Jeans Pant'),
(48, 1, 7, 'BERIBES Bluetooth Headphones', 36, 'BERIBES Bluetooth Headphones', 'product05.png', 'Headphones beribes'),
(49, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Jeans', 38, 'Boys\' Jeans', 'pt7.JPG', 'boys jeans Pant'),
(50, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Shirt', 35, 'Boys\' Shirt', 'pm1.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(51, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Shirt', 27, 'Boys\' Shirt', 'pm2.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(52, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Shirt', 45, 'Boys\' Shirt', 'pm3.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(53, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Shirt', 22, 'Boys\' Shirt', 'ms1.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(54, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Shirt', 29, 'shirts', 'ms2.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(55, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Shirt', 25, 'Boys\' Shirt', 'ms3.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(56, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Shirt', 24, 'Boys\' Shirt', 'pm7.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(57, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Shirt', 26, 'Boys\' Shirt', 'i3.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(58, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Shirt', 35, 'Boys\' Shirt', 'pm9.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(59, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Shirt', 85, 'Boys\' Shirt', 'a2.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(60, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Shirt', 15, 'Boys\' Shirt', 'pm11.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(61, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Shirt', 21, 'Boys\' Shirt', 'pm12.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(62, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Shirt', 23, 'Boys\' Shirt', 'pm13.JPG', 'suit boys shirts'),
(63, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Jeans', 55, 'Boys\' Jeans', 'pt1.JPG', 'boys Jeans Pant'),
(64, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Jeans', 46, 'Boys\' Jeans', 'pt2.JPG', 'boys Jeans Pant'),
(65, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Jeans', 47, 'Boys\' Jeans', 'pt3.JPG', 'boys Jeans Pant'),
(66, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Jeans', 48, 'Boys\' Jeans', 'pt4.JPG', 'boys Jeans Pant'),
(67, 3, 6, 'Boys\' Jeans', 36, 'Boys\' Jeans', 'pt5.JPG', 'boys Jeans Pant');
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