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< h2 class = "animate__animated animate__fadeInDown" > Welcome to < span > Basoglu< / span > Family Hub page< / h2 >
< p class = "animate__animated animate__fadeInUp" > This is the family hub page for all members of the Basoglu family. You can browse through the carousel to explore all the websites connected to this page.< / p >
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< h2 class = "animate__animated animate__fadeInDown" > Batuhan Basoglu's Personal Website< / h2 >
< p class = "animate__animated animate__fadeInUp" > Batuhan Basoglu's personal portfolio website to introduce his work and projects to the people. It is made with HTML, CSS and Javascript< / p >
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< a href = "https://batuhan.basoglu.co" target = "_blank" class = "btn-get-started animate__animated animate__fadeInUp scrollto" > Visit the Website< / a >
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< h2 class = "animate__animated animate__fadeInDown" > Batuhan Basoglu's Personal Blog< / h2 >
< p class = "animate__animated animate__fadeInUp" > Batuhan Basoglu's personal blog to talk about his views on technology, as well as sharing news and trends in the field. It is made with PHP, HTML, CSS and Javascript< / p >
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< a href = "https://arcticpress.basoglu.co" target = "_blank" class = "btn-get-started animate__animated animate__fadeInUp scrollto" > Visit the Website< / a >
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